"People like us who believe in physics know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." Everything is all at once. As that is overwhelming, our mind has created time to make it all a seemingly manageable to experience....

"The way to live eternal life is in a state of perpetual orgasm." Two ways confirm our oneness with the universe, meditation and orgasm. In meditation, in the pause between breaths, our self disappears and all that remains is nothing; which is every-thing in the universe before it is what it is whatever it is and before time begins. Orgasm is the Big Bang, the initial manifestation of the universe. At the Big Bang, like in nothingness, we are one with everything as everything is one thing, the Big Bang. Often uttered at the moment of orgasm is "oh my God" and "please don't stop, don't stop." That is, orgasm is an experience of the divine, as in divine consciousness, when we are one with everything. As well, we have no desire to return to our self, but only to remain eternally in orgasmic bliss....

In a world in which we can have innumerable pronouns, we're allowed only one ideology. "According to the survey by Redfield & Wilton Strategies, 44 percent of those aged 25-34 think "referring to someone by the wrong gender pronoun (he/him, she/her) should be a criminal offense," versus just 31 percent who disagree." -- Newsweek...

"Someday people will understand what you are talking about and I'm sure this world will be a better place for it, but sure as hell I'll never understand." -- Inscription in my high school graduation album from a fellow graduating student. The inscriber, anonymous now as I (and whomever I was those thousands of lifetime ago) cannot recall her, was not wrong. Those sure there is hell don't know of heaven, for heaven is all there is....

People running a business are paid money for losing money. When a business is doing well, it's stress-free work and we are celebrated. Many would happily run the business for little monetary compensation beyond the accolades. Alternatively, when a business is losing money, there's lots of pressures and frustrations which most people would find overwhelming. Those who brave through those difficult times are ultimately paid handsomely....

Our bodies are symmetrical, horizontally and vertically, Horizontally, the right and left sides are virtually identical, visually. Vertically, the tops and bottoms are identical, metaphysically. Atop are the hands and head. The hands connect us to the terrestrial, the head to the celestial. At bottom are the feet and and genitalia. They too connect us to the terrestrial and celestial, accordingly....

"I look in the mirror every morning and ask myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has been 'No' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something." Every day is not a day in a life, but a life in a day. When every day is everyday, we have yet to awaken. Upon awakening, every day is our first day in life; every-thing is new and unique like never before as we are unfettered by thoughts from time passed or time future.  ...

Someone once asked: what happens to an enlightened person when they die? It's a curious question in that the person asking is clearly not enlightened; so why would they be asking a question which has no relevance to them! Maybe that's what unenlightened people do? An enlightened person is not a person. An enlightened person was never born and never dies, as an enlightened person is the universe which is eternal. An enlightened person manifests in life as we all do, as a temporary physical human form. But the physical form of an enlightened person is not their identity. If it was, they clearly weren't enlightened and would surely die as do all forms....