"It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." Likewise, in terms of consciousness, it is easy to fall asleep but difficult to awaken unless we know we are sleeping.   *Misattributed to Mark Twain but not inconsistent with Twain's insights generally....

“As soon as you have made a thought, laugh at it.” Our thoughts are always funny, though more often funny to others than to our self. What makes our thoughts funny is they are odd and/or humorous from the perspective of those from other socioeconomic and cultural identity groups. However, we seldom view our thoughts as funny because we take our self-identities seriously. When we view thoughts from many perspectives, we invariably find almost everything funny; all thoughts, ours and those of others. That's the essence of wisdom. That's why Buddha is often depicted as laughing.   *Incorrectly attributed to Lao Tzu, but consistent with the Tao....

Every-thing is unique and the same. Every-thing is the same thing, nothing, before it is what it is whatever it is....

Our point of view, where we stand, is a function of where we sit. How things appear to us is colored by where we sit along the spectrum of light; perhaps cheerful when red, sad when blue or whatever moods we associate with various colors. When all the perspectives across the spectrum come together, as clear white light, can we see things in their true colors. This is wisdom. Alternatively, we can sit calmly, close our eyes and see everything with the white light from inside of us. This is enlightenment....

Those who claim their success came from luck are the most able. Those who think their success came from their abilities are bound to be unlucky. Acknowledge and be grateful to luck and luck will likely return....