Duality is when I am one thing and not another. Duality is when I am one race and not another, one nationality and not another, one religion and not another; when I am me and not anything that's not me. Duality is an illusion our mind creates. When I am who I am, I see illusions as illusions.   Though illusory, duality has a real effect: imprisoning us from realizing our uniqueness. To escape, we can calm our mind through meditation and then let go our self-identities which heretofore we took seriously....

A coin is integrity, its different sides duality. A coin is worth something, its sides worth nothing....

Nothing is perfect as no-thing is perfect. Nothing is every-thing before it is what it is whatever it is. As nothing, every-thing is one thing. That's perfect. When every-thing is a separate thing, no-thing is perfect as it is not one with everything....

"We don't see things as they are; we see things as we are." The way things are is that we can only see light and light is 0.0035% of the electromagnetic spectrum; thus, what we see is very little; though we often think we see more than we do. What we see is a function of the definitions, classifications and stories we've created about what we see. This is who we are....

A new perspective is illuminating when we adapt, not adopt, it. Supplanting one point of view with another, adopting it, is self-limiting. Integrating, adapting, a new perspective with other perspectives, including contrary perspectives, is the essence of wisdom. Each perspective is like a color (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet) in the visible spectrum. Taken together, the colors transform into white light; revealing the true color of that at which we are looking....

Awakening is when we stop chasing our tale and laugh as we realize it's a illusion. Enlightenment is when, like a dog, we stop chasing our tail and laugh as we realize we and our tail are one. In the quietude that follows not chasing our tales or tails, everything can become clear; and all heretofore looks ridiculously funny....

Those who seek the path to enlightenment by following a guru they think is enlightened will never realise enlightenment as thinking of someone as an independent thing (e.g., an enlightened being) is the antithesis of enlightenment which is that everything is a temporary and interdependent manifestation of one infinite thing. Enlightenment is realised by following the path of being in harmony with the one thing until you and the thing are one....