"Any man who carries a hyphen about with him carries a dagger that he is ready to plunge into the vitals of this Republic whenever he gets ready." Theodore Roosevelt: "There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all ...

“The one who would be in constant happiness must frequently change." Those who are happy are grateful for and make the best of whatever their circumstances. As the only constant in the universe is change, to always be happy we need frequently change as our circumstances change....

According to Wikipedia, "A laser is a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation. The word "laser" is an acronym for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation".  The first laser was built in 1960, Lasers are used in optical disc drives, laser printers, barcode scanners, DNA sequencing instruments, fiber-optic, semiconducting chip manufacturing (photolithography), and free-space optical communication, laser surgery and skin treatments, cutting and welding materials, military and law enforcement devices for marking targets and measuring range and speed, and in laser lighting displays for entertainment." Clearly, a laser can do many extraordinary things relative to a flashlight. Yet, for making our way through a dark thicket, a flashlight is better. Likewise, those with a laser-sharp mind are best not deployed to solve simple tasks. For example, undoubtedly Albert Einstein was extraordinarily brilliant, yet forgot the basic concept of gravity (what goes up must go down) as he lost most of the money he received with his Noble Prize in the stock market in the 1920s....

Nothing is ever the same and never the same. Nothing is ever the same as nothing is nothing. Yet, as everything is nothing before it is what it is whatever it is and no thing is the same as any other thing, nothing is never the same....

According to Wikipedia "The word [analyI sis] comes from the Ancient Greek ἀνάλυσις (analysis, "a breaking-up" or "an untying;" from ana- "up, throughout" and lysis "a loosening")." Separately, Wikipedia states  the word "bullshit" means nonsense and derives from the "word 'bull' [which] may have derived from the Old French bole meaning 'fraud, deceit'" However, perhaps "analysis' is rooted in the word "anal." At the dawn of humanity, humans were hunter-gatherers. In hunting for prey, hunters would follow the tracks of an animal and identify it and its proximity by analyzing its feces for freshness, form, texture, taste and smell. Thus, the first analysis was the examination of anal excrement. As civilization developed with the advent of farming, hunters tracking bison at times initially misidentified the feces of a rancher's bull as that of bison; bullshit, not the real thing they were seeking....

"To be wronged is nothing, unless you continue to remember it.” We are often prisoners of our mind which, as its etymology, is our memory....

"He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.” Perhaps Confucius means that he who conquers his self is the mightiest warrior. The self is our identity that is manifested by our body, finite in time and space. When we conquer our self, we are nothing but one of infinite manifestations of the universe which is forever and endless. To conquer our self takes the greatest courage to overcome the fear that we will be nothing. But it takes little courage when we realize the obvious, sooner or later our self will be nothing....

Since my house burned down I now own a better view of the rising moon Gratitude in all circumstances is an essential element of happiness....

There is one soul to which we are all connected. The connection is called love. The soul is not tangible. It is the nothing from which everything emerges. Our bodies are manifestations of soul. Detached from soul, our bodies cannot connect naturally with love. They need to make love....