An agitated mind grasps for things. A calm mind lets things flow its way. When thirsty, cupped hands collect more water than that which one hand repeatedly tries to grab....

Intelligence is having certain strong mental abilities. Wisdom is having good judgement. Intelligence tests and academic accolades identify the fastest runners. Wisdom shows us the shortest and easiest ways to the finish line in real life....

Thoughts and words are thoughts and words, approximate descriptions but empty of real experience and knowledge. When our mind is filled with thoughts and words, it also is empty but with no space for real experiences and knowledge....

Birth is like nuclear fission, a powerful explosion. Love is like nuclear fusion, 3-4 times more powerful. In fission, our soul separates from being one with everything. In fusion, our soul reunites as one with everything....

Awaking from sleep is always amazing, a unique rebirth; unless we are not truly awakened. And so it is, from one moment to the next. From Sanskrit, Buddha means "awakened."...

Only listen to the opinions of others when we can think for ourselves. But we don't need the opinions of others when we can think for ourselves. Not listening to opinions of others will move us to think for ourselves....

We rarely see the light but as reflections of the mind. Thus, much of what we see is of the mind’s construction and we soon forget the light without which there is nothing to see. The fountainhead is the essence of everything. But we often forget the fountainhead when we look at it's manifestations downstream....

The truth is difficult to describe but easy to identify by the sound of laughter that trails it everywhere. The truth is what reveals the absurdity of all other thinking....

The mind is the flames; ever-changing, illuminating and destructive burning heat. The soul is the bush; unchangeable, eternal, supporting the flames but not transformed by the flames. The mind is wisdom, sometimes. The soul is love, forever....

"Sometimes I sit quietly and wonder why I'm not in a mental institution. Then I take a good look around at everyone and realize...