The now is the everything, yet contains no things. The now is eternal, yet ever-changing. The now is real, yet an illusion as what we think is now is now no longer. The now is unpredictable. The now is overwhelming. We are the now, yet don't know the now. All we know is our reactions to the now. Only from outside the now, before and after the now, when we are not the now, can we know the now....

We win or lose or are one or lost. In the context of our self-identity, we win or lose in the activities with which we are engaged. In the context of our soul-identity, we are one or lost; one with the universe or a lost soul....

“There is nothing new under the sun.” What seems new is just what's changing; but no thing is new as constantly-changing is the nature of every thing. All things are not things, just facets of the everything. The everything is never new, as it's eternal, forever-unchanging. With an infinite number of stars in the universe, nothing in our solar system, let alone ourselves, is notably new.  ...

Life unfolds as it unfolds, not as we wish it to be. Yet, it is as we wish, for we remember it as we wish and through our memories is how we experience it unfolding....