A nation that gets into pissing contests is a urine-nation. It's also full of shit as it morally justifies its actions. Taken to task, the nation declares its motto: "Our shit don't stink."...

Eureka, I have found it. Yet, there is no I, there is nothing to find, there is no it. There is no there. All is here and all here is is is. Those who seek shall not find, for the it they seek is not an it but an is; just being. The words to a song are empty, as all here is is dancing to the music.  ...

In college, I had three LSD psychedelic journeys of which I have distinct memories. One was of my wanting to eat my brain. I felt that my mind and body were a duality. If I ate my brain, my mind and my body would be one. The second was looking at a painting and seeing its colors dripping beyond its frame and onto the floor. The third was when I was wallowing naked in mud in the backyard of my parents' attached house in Brooklyn and saw myself holding onto Earth with dear life as it was spinning incredibly fast and I as afraid I would otherwise fall away from Earth and into endless space. Looking back now, the first journey was the recognition of the duality between our animal consciousness (the body) and divine consciousness (the mind) and our purpose in life which is to integrate the two as a whole. The second revealed that no thing is an independent thing, as it is our mind that creates the forms and shapes of things which are otherwise one interconnected and interdependent thing in the now. The third journey suggested that if we let go our self-identity (Earth life), we will be one with the universe....

A dear subscriber to our blog "had a very good friend who recently passed away from a heart attack while riding his bike. He was in his late 60's." And now, "the void...

With sexual pronouns abounding, it's hard to keep up with new and changing sexual identity groups. Perhaps a better approach would be punctuation marks. Everyone could choose whether they were visibly a colon (:) or a semi-colon (;). The dot on top is the anus and the dot or comma at bottom is a vagina or a penis. This general identifier could be tailor-made with people choosing whether they were a top or a bottom by changing the size of their anus relative to the size of the dot or comma. Moreover, those who are dominant or submissive would put an apostrophe before or after their punctuation mark accordingly. Those who are into a weird public appearance would put a quote sign before their punctuation mark. Those who are weird in their secret lives would have the quote sign behind the punctuation mark. Those who are weird every which way and need lots of attention would have quotation sign front and back. And, finally, those who don't know who they are would have the quotes but nothing between them. Of course, other modifiers (exclamation points, asterisks ampersands and currency symbols, etc.) can create additional sexual identity groups. However, the number of groups and the descriptions/meanings of their identities could make things complicated. This complexity could be addressed by having everyone enroll in re-education camps which would in turn help swell the ranks of teachers whose union dues would allow increased spending by union bosses. Clearly, many would benefit from the adoption of a punctuation-based sexual identity system; but for the average citizen who would ultimately pay its cost through higher grocery bills. Yet, costs could be reduced by fines on those who can't wean themselves off addressing those implementing the system as "fucking assholes" or "fucking pricks." If fines are not a sufficient deterrent for people so expressing themselves, prison time would be justified. That would create additional court/prison jobs and related benefits for the political class....

Empirical research indicates there is a positive correlation between eating junk food and dementia many years hence. While significant resources have been devoted to identifying common ingredients in junk food that might cause dementia, nothing will likely be discovered as this is clearly a case of reverse-causation. Simply, eating junk food is an early symptom of latent dementia. That is, unless someone is demented, why would they eat junk food!...

Before we are born we are undifferentiated we are the eternal soul. Upon birth, we are quickly told otherwise; given personal, social and various other identities: our temporary self. Soon enough, some of us forget every thing is a manifestation of the soul. These are the lost souls. With only their self identity, one day they surely die; for the gates to eternity are only open to the soul. For those who retain their soul identity life is heaven on Earth....

Sometime in late 1988, I found myself on a hundreds long line of people awaiting to ask for a blessing from Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Chabad-Lubavitch spiritual leader. As customary, the Rebbe gifted everyone on line a crisp, new US dollar bill. The gift was a sign of humility; the great Rebbe expressing gratitude to those who ventured to his house. As well, it suggested the bill recipient treat others likewise; that is, on every occasion, treat others with kindness. I imagine all those dollar bills are still around, in wallets and places of safekeeping. They are sacred mementos. My dollar I've kept in my wallet. Now, 36 years later, it has virtually disintegrated. What a loss! It would have been more valuable had I given it to someone soon after receiving it; more valuable to both me and the recipient....

Before and after the now, we are the eternal soul. In the now, we are the self; a temporary expression of the soul. The soul simply is, asking for nothing. The self is selfish, demanding all our attention. As the self denies the soul's existence, we lose touch with the soul. Ironically, the self will inevitably no longer exist and we will surely die if we lose our connection to the soul....