What is your Way: Earth, fire, air or water? Earth is physical. Fire is emotional. Air is conceptual. Water is practical. Rock, paper, or scissors? Rock is nature. Paper is civilization Scissors is technology. Red, yellow or blue? Red is emotional. Yellow is intuitive.. Blue is conceptual. Knife, fork, spoon or chopsticks?...
Heaven is “have-even,” where every thing is even, as every thing is one thing in the space before and after the now....
The messiah is here, but is hiding; yet, revealed through our acts of kindness to all, treating others as we want to be treated. Within each of us is the messiah, hiding behind our self....
“The Great Way” to enlightenment is like the infinite paths of light that lead to the sun. "The Great Way" is the realization that the light that's here is the light that's there....