03 May Way of Way 111
Desiring what we don't have distracts us from appreciating what we have....
Desiring what we don't have distracts us from appreciating what we have....
“Whoever gets angry, it is as if he worshipped idols” -- Zohar 1:27b Getting angry at some one or thing presumes it has an independent existence, like an idol. That denies the existence of God which is the interconnected oneness of every thing....
The eyes see the sea, what's there. The ears hear what's here. The nose knows....
When every day is holy, every day is a holiday....
Those who "get it" are eternal. Those who don't "get it" never lived....
Those who can explain "what it?" have wit. Those who know "what is?" are wise....
When talking about others, we are talking about our self. The self creates the others....