Way Of Way 467

In the play of life, we play many roles. The most coveted are the scarce and elusive roles of the wealthy, the powerful and the celebrated.

While talent and effort is needed, most actors awarded these roles are simply lucky.

Unfortunately, even for the lucky ones, all roles are temporary, ending before or by the time whomever plays them gets scripted out of the play.

Unlike other roles in which an actor’s self assumes a role, there is a role that’s only available to actors who forego their self in audition. It’s a role that survives the length of the play. It is easily obtainable and requires little effort beyond paying attention. Yet, as we can’t see what we can’t imagine, few players know of its availability.

The role of God.

As God, we know life is a play we produce for our entertainment. We are the actors and the audience. We recognize every thing is a manifestation of us, God, and we love everything accordingly.

Way Of Way 464

In Judaism, God is nameless.

God is not one thing to the exclusion of other things.

God is the Everything: the now and what is before and after the now.

However, the Everything is not a thing.

God is not a static noun.

Jews refer to God as: “I am”.

God is an unspecified verb, the process of the Everything.

Way Of Way 217

We’re surrounded by an infinite number of things.

As we distance our way from them, we see them as one thing.

Way Of Way 466

We have freedom of speech as long as no one is listening.

Way Of Way 463

The soul’s love and the self’s love are the same but feel different.

The soul has only one emotion: love.

The self has a multitude of emotions, including love.

The soul loves every thing, as every thing is a manifestation of the soul. Simply, the soul loves itself.

The self’s love is conditional, loving some things sometimes.

The soul’s love is peace. It is a feeling beyond words, as oneness with the Everything is beyond description.

The self’s love is ecstasy; love sandwiched between other emotions in striking contrast to love.

Ecstasy is energizing, joyful, stress-relieving,

The confluence of love from the soul and love from the self is cosmic.

Way Of Way 461

Cancel culture is cancer culture.

When a group of like cells in the body prioritize their growth over the welfare of the body whole, the body eventually dies.

“A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has first destroyed itself from within.” — Will Durant

Way Of Way 465

The ratio of thanking/thinking measures our state of happiness.

Way Of Way 460

The universe is a circle.

The logical mind sees things as squares.

The space inside a square is precise.

The space inside a circle is imprecise.

H. L. Mencken on the Democratic Convention

“School teachers, taking them by and large, are probably the most ignorant and stupid class of men in the whole group of mental workers.”

“Socialism is the theory that the desire of one man to get something he hasn’t got is more pleasing to a just God than the desire of some other man to keep what he has got.”

“The objection to Puritans is not that they try to make us think as they do, but that they try to make us do as they think.”

“At the bottom of Puritanism one finds envy of the fellow who is having a better time in the world, and hence hatred of him.”

“If there is one mental vice, indeed, which sets off the American people from all other folks who walk the earth…it is that of assuming that every human act must be either right or wrong, and that ninety-nine percent of them are wrong.”

“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”

While H. L. Mencken’s Puritans have long been relegated to the dustbin of history, they have been replaced today by Progressives.

Way Of Way 457

“When I was a kid, God often told me that only people create ugliness.” — Kanako Iiyama


Through the eye of God, the manifestation of God (the now) radiates beauty.

Through people’s minds, the beauty is often elusive or even made ugly.

The mind cannot see, it can only compare. The mind compares the now that’s now with the now that’s passed and the future now it imagines or desires. The mind also compares things within the now.

Comparisons shroud the now with words; precluding a direct experience of the radiant now. As well, comparisons can make the absolutely beautiful relatively ugly.


The now is perfect; eternally now. Yet, none of the things in the now are perfect as all things are ever-changing; at best, perfect temporarily.

Focusing on things, people often complain about imperfections. Complaining is ugly.


Those who know all things in the now are one thing, the manifestation of God, unconditionally love all things as they do themselves.

Those who see things as other than themselves, connect to things with various emotions; many of which are ugly.

Way Of Way 456

In the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), the Messianic Period is envisioned as a time of world peace, prosperity, and the resurrection of the dead.

World peace and prosperity seem attainable, once people devote their time to productive matters rather than conflict. However, the resurrection of the dead seems beyond the pale of science.

The Messianic Period begins when we personally and collectively awaken to the divine light, the essence of every thing.

World peace comes from recognizing every thing is a manifestation of the divine and treating all beings and the environment accordingly, with love and respect.

World prosperity is realized by helping those who are less fortunate. As well, we are prosperous when we view the now as a whole, not a hole; recognizing how fortunate we are, instead of desiring what we think we don’t have.

The dead are resurrected when we come to know the nature of light. Those who once were in the now and are now no longer remain in the now but light years away from here.

Way Of Way 453

What we see or hear is easy to express with words.

Smells are ineffable, as they are intangible and ephemeral; like the now. The nose knows the experience of the now.

Way Of Way 455

Each person is a star, though only the stars that have been named are quickly recognised as stars.

Way Of Way 446

Life is a dream.

Some think it’s a good dream, some think it’s a bad dream.

To those who are not oblivious they are dreaming, it’s a wonderful dream.

Way Of Way 452

The “smart smart, dumb dumb” have microscopic or telescopic minds or vision beyond the light range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Yet, they often fail to see what’s obvious in the light of day.

The “dumb dumb, smart smart” aren’t much for abstract thinking. Yet, they know who they are, where they are and sense what’s next.

In a changing environment, a hedgehog is less likely to survive than a fox.

Way Of Way 447

We see the universe through light which is a pinhole that’s 0.0035% the electromagnetic spectrum. If we saw the universe through the entire spectrum, we would wish we were blind.

Way Of Way 451

The only thing certain is that we can never be certain of anything.

Way Of Way 449

Some mindsets are emotional, some practical.

Fire is emotional, water practical.

Fearing its demise, fire hates water.

Fear and anger drive fire to separate water into various small pots to vaporize it easily.

Fire from the political left labels the pots “misogynist”, “racist”, “fascist”, “oppressor”, etc.

Fire from the political right labels the pots “communist”, “anti-Christian”, “immoral”, “un-American”, etc.

Water doesn’t like to be vaporized, but knows ambient temperatures will make it liquid again. Ever-practical, water laughs at fire, knowing fire will eventually run out of fuel and extinguish itself.


Way Of Way 445

The soul is the center from which everything springs.

That which is closest to the center is closest to the soul. That is the heart.

Further away from the soul is the self. That is the head and genitalia.

The heart expresses love from the soul.

The head and genitalia express love from the self.

Way Of Way 444

Love is love like water is water.

It’s all the same but its source different.

There is love from the self and love from the soul

The self expresses many emotions, including love.

The soul only expresses itself only with love.

Love from the self is temporary, as the self also needs to express other emotions.

Love from the soul is unending.

Love from the self is love of specific things.

Love from the soul is love of the Everything.

Love from the self is conditional.

Love from the soul is unconditional.

Love from the self is demonstrative.

Love from the soul is ethereal.

Love from the self is as finite as the self.

Love from the soul connects us as one to the eternal now.

Love from the self is empathy.

Love from the soul is compassion.

Way Of Way 441

Knowing who you are, you can make the best of your roles in life.

Knowing what you are is the best role.

Way Of Way 435

“In the beginning…God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.” —  Genesis 1:1-3

Every thing subsequently is a derivative or an illusion.

Way Of Way 434

When we are grateful and love the now that is now, we are poised to be happy with the now that will be later.

WoW 426

The messiah is here, but is hiding; yet, revealed through our acts of kindness to all, treating others as we treat our selves.

Within each of us is the messiah, hiding behind our self.

WoW 429

“The Great Way” to liberation (awakening and enlightenment) is like the infinite paths of light that lead to the sun. Yet, “The Great Way” is unlike these paths of lights, as it is the realization that the light that’s here is the light that’s there.

WOW 433

“[C]ynic…a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing…a sentimentalist…is a man who sees an absurd value in everything and doesn’t know the market price of a single thing.” — Oscar Wilde

A cynic doubts the value of everything; hence, he accepts values based on market prices. For example, he accepts that a Rolls Royce is worth $400K because that’s the price at which a willing buyer and seller agree, regardless of the relative merits of the car or its cost of production. A sentimentalist values everything based on personal feelings and thoughts without regard to the reality of prices determined in the marketplace. For example, a sentimentalist might be unwilling to sell for $10K a ring received as a gift and replaceable for $1K.

The cynic values things empirically, it is what it is whatever it is. The sentimentalist values things based on concepts and theories that rarely comport with reality.

Successful traders are cynical. They tend to view the current price of something as the best predictor of its price in the immediate future. Thus, they buy and sell things based on price trends. As something is moving higher in price they buy more and more of it at higher and higher prices. When the price trend breaks, they liquidate their positions at whatever the prevailing prices. Thus they buy high and sell low.

Successful investors are sentimental. They believe the value of something is a function of its relative value and cost of production. That belief allows them to continue buying something as its price declines while whatever they purchased previously is worth less than they paid. In this way they buy on average at lower prices. Likewise, as prices rise they sell. They buy low and sell high.

Successful traders tend to realize greater returns over time than successful investors. Moreover, successful traders have a lover volatility of returns than successful investors. However, successful trading is simply more difficult a task than successful investing.

From a political perspective, a cynic is the capitalist and the sentimentalist is the socialist. The cynic applies a cost/benefit analysis to government programs, while the socialist considers the benefits without the direct, indirect and opportunity costs of the programs. Moreover, the cynic perceives government programs as self-serving to those espousing and implementing the programs, while the sentimentalist views the programs solely in terms of their beneficial objectives. Essentially, the capitalist is rational and self-serving, while the socialist is an emotional do-gooder. Ultimately, the capitalist is frustrated by the socialist’s inability to see what the capitalist feels is common sense (economics) and the socialist feels that the capitalist simply “doesn’t get it;” that is, we all live in a community and need serve the community (high taxes) which in turn cares for its members (welfare).

On a personal level, sentimentalists are emotional and cynics are practical; symbolically represented by fire and water. Fire hates and fears liquid water and tries to make it disappear by turning it into vapor.

WoW 426

Love that arises from the self is conditional love. Love from the soul is unconditional love.

When we love a particular person or thing, that’s conditional love; that is, love conditioned on that person or thing being who or what they are.

Unconditional love is love of everyone or thing as they are or as it is. Though there may be some people or things we don’t like, we nonetheless love them.

Cosmic love, the nexus of conditional and unconditional love, is an orgasm.

WoW 425

As children we need to be loved, for we will surely die without the help of others who presumably will help us because they love us.

At the end of days, we need to love everyone and everything, for otherwise we will surely die if we are not one with the everything.

Way Of Way 421

It is not the fittest (most able) or the fattest (wealthiest) who are most likely to survive; it is those who are finest at identifying changing environments and either adapting to change or changing their environment.

Way Of Way 420

The winners in the game of life receive grand prizes.

But, every participant gets a consolation prize: the transition to heaven.

The winners who rejoice with their grand prizes often forget to pick up the consolation prize.

WoW 424

It’s easy to equally divide a pie without knowing math, but impossible when you know the math of pi.

Way of Way 419

The play of life is a great cosmic joke for those who “get it.” Those who don’t are the butt of the joke.

Those who “get it” love those who don’t; for without those who don’t, the play wouldn’t be funny.

As well, those who “get it” express their gratitude and respect to the ones who don’t; for if those who don’t “get it” abandoned their roles, the ones who “get it” might find themselves recruited for the most difficult roles, the roles of the ones who don’t.

Way of Way 418

In the play of life, we are both the actors and the audience.

Wonderful entertainment for all but those who forget they are also the audience.

Way of Way 378

Someone who asks you a question wants to learn.

Someone who provides you an answer wants to teach.

Someone who asks you a question and provides you an answer wants to sell you something.

Way of Way 408

Intellectuals are undoubtedly smart, but lack wisdom when they think they are smarter than others.

Way Of Way 438

“He who doesn’t see God everywhere isn’t capable of seeing God anywhere.” — Kotzker Rebbe

Way of Way 385

Desiring what we don’t have distracts us from appreciating what we have.

Way of Way 386

Those who “get it” are eternal. Those who don’t “get it” never die because they have never lived.

WoW, 429

Talking about others, we are talking about our self; for the self creates the others.

WoW 427

As no one has ever complained about the night sky, the universe must be heaven and Earth must be hell.

Way Of Way 468

“You were born an original. Don’t die a copy.” — James Mason

WoW 430

Soulful love is the joy of feeling how someone emanating love feels.

Selfish love is basking in the love showered upon us by others.

Way Of Way 469

Our soul loves the light of the sun.

Our self loves the warmth of the sun.

Way Of Way 428

Ignorance is bliss.

Temporary bliss for those who think they know what they don’t.

Eternal bliss for those who are curious.

Way of Way 384

We cannot choose our future, but we can choose how we remember the past which frames how we experience the future.

Way Of Way 438

Enjoy your self, otherwise it might make you miserable.

Sexual Identity Idenifiers

With sexual pronouns abounding, it’s hard to keep up with new and changing sexual identity groups. Perhaps a better approach would be punctuation marks. Everyone could choose whether they were visibly a colon (:) or a semi-colon (;). The dot on top is the anus and the dot or comma at bottom is a vagina or a penis. This general identifier could be tailor-made with people choosing whether they were a top or a bottom by changing the size of their anus relative to the size of the dot or comma. Moreover, those who are dominant or submissive would put an apostrophe before or after their punctuation mark accordingly. Those who are into a weird public appearance would put a quote sign before their punctuation mark. Those who are weird in their secret lives would have the quote sign behind the punctuation mark. Those who are weird every which way and need lots of attention would have quotation sign front and back. And, finally, those who don’t know who they are would have the quotes but nothing between them.

Of course, other modifiers (exclamation points, asterisks ampersands and currency symbols, etc.) can create additional sexual identity groups. However, the number of groups and the descriptions/meanings of their identities could make things complicated. This complexity could be addressed by having everyone enroll in re-education camps which would in turn help swell the ranks of teachers whose union dues would allow increased spending by union bosses.

Clearly, many would benefit from the adoption of a punctuation-based sexual identity system; but for the average citizen who would ultimately pay its cost through higher grocery bills. Yet, costs could be reduced by fines on those who can’t wean themselves off addressing those implementing the system as “fucking assholes” or “fucking pricks.” If fines are not a sufficient deterrent for people so expressing themselves, prison time would be justified. That would create additional court/prison jobs and related benefits for the political class.

Way of Way 383

Those who hate the rich but want to be rich hate themselves.

Way Of Way 470

Empirical studies suggest eating “junk food” is a precursor for dementia. However, the relationship may be reverse-causation. That is, an early sign of latent dementia is eating “junk food”.

Way of Way 382

The rich think the poor are lazy and the poor think the rich were just lucky.

They are both right.

The key to success is luck. Those who work 40 hours/week get paid accordingly and receive 40 lottery tickets. Those who work 60 hours/week receive 200 lottery tickets. Those who work 75 hours/week receive 400 lottery tickets. As well, the rich are more conscientious in checking their tickets for winning numbers.

Way of Way 381

The soul and the hole makes us whole.

When the love of the soul and the love of the self cross in sexual union, it’s a cosmic orgasm.

Way of Way 379

Love connects us with the everything, while the self separates us from the everything.

Way of Way 377

Unconditional love is loving everything. It is peaceful.

Conditional love is loving some things and not others. It is more intense than unconditional love as it’s preceded and followed by other emotional states.

Way of Way 375

All emotional states, other than love, are a form of selfishness. Love too is selfishness when it connects us with some things but not every thing. Soulful love is love of one thing: the everything.

Way Of Way 374

No one is getting out of here alive, but those who realize they are the everything.

Way Of Way 373

Many a thank you is heard in the Rewards Department.

Many complaints in the Complaint Department.

God runs the Rewards Department and the Devil runs the Complaint Department.

Way Of Way 371

In the past and future are an infinite number of things. The now is only one thing.

Way Of Way 370

Those who rejoice reflecting the brightest light are often oblivious they cast the darkest shadows.

Way Of Way 367

Fake artworks are real, but real artworks are often fake.

Fake artworks are real, tangible.

Real artworks are also tangible, but often trade at fake prices when they are priced multiple times higher than fake artworks that provide an experience indistinguishable from real artworks.

Way Of Way 362

Awakening dispenses with boredom, as every moment is unlike another.

Way Of Way 361

Life is a play; at times a drama, at times a comedy. Upon realizing it’s a play, dramas are funnier than comedies.

Way Of Way 359

The mind can be a dark place, when we don’t open our eyes and see the light.

Way Of Way 357

Some things are less perfect than other things which themselves are not quite perfect. Only the now is perfect, as there is nothing else.

Way Of Way 384

Money is a beautiful thing as it equates the value of all exchangeable things. Yet, money is often ugly in the context of our personal relationship with it.

Way Of Way 355

Unsolicited advice might come from the heart, but often debuts as a bowel movement; a relief to the provider, but a put-off to the recipient.

Way Of Way 353

The goal of a man of wisdom is to make food of happy memories to feast on at the end of days.

Way Of Way 352

When you recognize God in every thing, that’s who you are: God.

Way Of Way 351

The mind is like a hand, only open when it lets go of whatever it holds tight.

Way Of Way 350

The mind is an addicting medicine. It’s good for solving problems, but in doing so it creates other problems.

Way Of Way 344

Love expressed by the soul is unconditional, unlike love expressed by the self which is conditional.

Love from soul is gold, while love from the self is fool’s gold. A simple acid test can determine whether love comes from the soul or the self.

The test is how do we feel when someone we love engages sexually with someone else. If our love is from the soul, we are happy for them and for whomever they were intimate, as how can we not be happy with the thought of people enjoying themselves. If our love issues from the self, we are angry, jealous, sad or have other unpleasant states of mind.

Way Of Way 343

Love is love. From where it issues is of little immediate matter as love is love.

However, over time, love that flows from the self is temporary; at times running dry as it transitions into other emotional expressions. Love that flows from the soul is eternal, as the only emotional expression of the soul is love.

Moreover, love from the self is conditional, while love from the soul is unconditional.

Love from the self is proclaimed with “I love you.” Love from the soul is expressed as “We love you.” “We” are the gods. Those who don’t recognize everyone is god cannot love unconditionally.

Way Of Way 342

That upon which we focus our attention is seemingly real and in turn makes us oblivious of everything else about us. However, the seemingly real is but an illusion, as it is but a facet of the infinite and everchanging faces of one thing: God.

Way Of Way 341

Religions are like sheep.

Their wool warms and protects us.

Their bodies provide us sustenance.

But, beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.

They may make us feel comfortable and safe,

but their only interest is to sustain themselves.

Way Of Way 340

There is a nameless place; before time begins; before we are born; before things become the now; a place of infinite possibilities.

While no one ever speaks badly of this nameless place, we often curse what comes from it. By doing so, we are not encouraging that place to send us something we will cherish.

Way Of Way 339

We don’t need to worry about the future as that will be what it will be. However, we need to worry about the past, what we remember and how we remember it, as that will frame how we experience the present.

Way Of Way 338

Those who appreciate life are on the way to happiness. Those who focus on trying to understand life may lose their way.

Way Of Way 337

The luckiest are those who recognize they have been lucky, for they will recognize other lucky opportunities that come their way.


Way Of Way 335

The universe is made up of matter. Our world is made up of stories.

Way Of Way 333

The self and the soul have a symmetrical relationship, laughing at each other.

As the self cannot see the soul, the self laughs at those who identify with the soul; thinking they are fools.

As the soul sees people taking seriously the illusions created by the self, the soul laughs.

But, as the self is temporary and the soul eternal, the soul has the last laugh.

Way Of Way 456

“Some squirrels in south Georgia, they’ll taste a little bit more nutty. Up here [Baltimore], our acorns and stuff aren’t really as strong as the ones down south. Most of them up here, it just tastes like squirrel. If you put enough seasoning on it, you can make it taste like anything you want it to taste like.” — Ben Cleveland

Cleveland is a football player for the Baltimore Ravens. He comes from Georgia where he ate squirrel meat when there wasn’t much else to eat.


Way Of Way 156

Much of what we undoubtedly think we see as reality is just a movie projected from our mind. To see reality we need to close our mind and open our eyes.

Way Of Way 318

In a world in which we can have innumerable pronouns, we’re allowed only one ideology.

“According to the survey by Redfield & Wilton Strategies, 44 percent of those aged 25-34 think “referring to someone by the wrong gender pronoun (he/him, she/her) should be a criminal offense,” versus just 31 percent who disagree.” — Newsweek

Way Of Way 316

My purpose each day is to create the sound of people laughing, with me or at me. Either way, we are harmoniously connected and the world is a safe place.

Way Of Way 447

“[I]t is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth.” — Matthew 15:10-20


Way Of Way 442

Judging someone reveals less about who they are than who we are.

Way Of Way 305

Though it is ever-changing, the universe is always perfect. When we see it as flawed, that’s a reflection of who we are, not it.

Way Of Way 304

An extraordinary genius is successful and celebrated by society. A true genius is happy whether or not they are successful or celebrated.

Way Of Way 303

Life is a play, an opportunity to play. If it’s work and not play, you are not living.

Way Of Way 302

Those who are happy have limited empathy for those who are unhappy as it’s difficult for the happy to understand unhappiness. But the happy have unlimited compassion, sharing their happiness with everyone.

Way Of Way 299

Intelligence makes things interesting. Wisdom makes things funny.

Way Of Way 297

People are always funny when they take seriously the meanings and stories their minds create. But what they do to themselves and others  is often not funny.

Way Of Way 113

A peach is a big opportunity. Its pit is a small risk. Focus on the risk and you’ll have many opportunities.

Way Of Way 287

A wealthy man has made his wealth. A wealthy boy has inherited it. That makes it difficult for the boy to become a man.

Way Of Way 283

Having more questions than answers is energizing.

Having more answers than questions is tiring.

Way Of Way 280

Those who claim their success came from luck are able. Those who think their success came from their abilities are bound to be unlucky.

Way Of Way 279

When we closely hold tight to who we think we are, we cannot be open to what we are.

Way Of Way 277

The time before and after we are alive must be a happy time as no one has ever complained about it.

The time we are alive is infinitesimally small relative to the time before and after we are alive.

So odd that we focus on the infinitesimally small about which we often complain.

Way Of Way 275

Awakening is the realization that all times past were a dream.

Way Of Way 274

Those who want to work seek work.

Those who don’t want to work seek jobs.


Way Of Way 273

Artworks are made to entertain us. Yet, the art market is more entertaining than artworks.

As the price of an artwork has little to do with its quality, the tail is wagging the dog.

Way Of Way 269

When we identify someone as of our kind, we treat them with kindness. When we identify with the universe we treat all with kindness.

Way Of Way 266

Your life is a fascinating story. Perhaps you could imagine a better one, but then you would miss out on your life.

Way Of Way 262

To live a life of compassion and wisdom, best to avoid those who lack compassion and their friends who obviously lack wisdom.


Way Of Way 260

Apocalypse is the complete and final destruction of the world as described in the Book of Revelation. While most of us will not be around for the world’s collective apocalypse, each of us will have our own apocalypse/revelation, the end of our days in unitary bodies.

Apocalypse and revelation are used interchangeably, but are different. The etymology of both words is to “uncover, unveil.” However, apocalypse is more about the destruction of the world as we know it and revelation is about what’s revealed by what remains after the destruction.

Apocalypse/revelation is like the lifting of a bride’s veil to reveal her face before the groom kisses her to consummate their marriage. After the kiss, the groom’s unitary existence is over as he is now one with the bride. Likewise, at the end of our days we realize that we are no longer unitary beings; we are one with all that heretofore seemed other than us.

Apocalypse/revelation is when the truth is revealed about consciousness and reality. The veil represents our personal consciousness; the meanings, generalizations and stories we create that mask reality. When the veil is lifted, we see reality as it is: the nothingness that everything is before and after it is what it is whatever it is.

That’s who we are: The nothing that everything is before and after it is, one with everything.

For those who know the veil is illusory, the veil is translucent; allowing them to see reality. Thus, as they know they are one with everything, they treat others as themselves (compassion) and are able to see the world from many perspectives (wisdom). Moreover, when the veil is lifted, apocalypse, it is the time for revelation; to revel with laughter as the illusions are now clearly absurd.

However, for those who think the illusions are real, the veil is opaque. They live as unitary beings and when the veil is lifted the revelation is frightening as hell. Not a surprising outcome as taking our personal consciousness seriously is at times hellish, even before the apocalypse. Unfortunately, it is fear of reality than keeps us from seeing through our personal consciousness which is the foundation of our fear.

WoW 422

While a lie may initially hide the truth, when the truth is revealed the lie ultimately reveals more than it hides.

Way Of Way 246

Only when we shed our clothes are we ready to make love. Likewise, only when we shed the self that covers our soul are we ready to love everyone.

Way Of Way 245

It’s a joyous occasion when someone peacefully departs from the play of life and is again one with the Everything. Yet, the “loved ones” who are left behind cry.

At birth, a baby cries as it transitions from being one with the Everything and becomes a finite being in a challenging world. Yet, those welcoming the baby are happy.

Those who are coming to and going from the play of life know the Everything.

As to those in the play of life, misery loves company.

Way Of Way 236

Regretting certain choices we’ve made in the past distracts us from making the most of the present which leads us to future regrets.

Way Of Way 234

A wise man knows he can change the past by changing his perspective. A fool thinks he can affect the future..

Way Of Way 231

We start in life in front of a rabbit hole on a dark night and are given a map through the maze before us. In the darkness underground the map is useless but some are lucky to find their way through to the light. Those who toss the map and look up at the sky realize they’re not rabbits as what they see is what they are.

Way Of Way 230

A house described as “charming” you would never buy from a practical point of view.

WoW 423

Why I loved my father is why he hated me. I thought it was funny when he got angry, but he didn’t get the joke.

Way Of Way 213

When our mood is dark, we absorb light and our body temperature rises.

When we are lighthearted, we reflect light and are calm and cool.


Way Of Way 211

When you marry someone like your wealthy grandparents, you’re clearly farsighted, not nearsighted.

Way Of Way 203

I am God and anyone who doesn’t recognize I am God doesn’t recognize they too are God.

Way Of Way 196

Heaven is real, hell an illusion.

In heaven are those who realize everything is an expression of God. In hell are those whose mind tells them otherwise.

Way Of Way 194

Raw intelligence is characterized by one’s abilities in matters of conceptual thinking, memory, compiling and analyzing information and creativity. However, the truly intelligent are those who have the ability to learn something from virtually anyone.

Way Of Way 193

Doing stupid things allows you to learn you are stupid. Those who don’t learn this lesson are stupid.

Way Of Way 192

Politicians are a form of comic entertainment. However, when many people take politicians seriously, we’re forced to take politicians seriously because the politicians often lead people to war when they haven’t done a good job at their other responsibilities.

Way Of Way 191

Many people audition for seemingly exciting roles in the play of life. Roles of the wealthy, powerful, successful, happy, etc. However, there are more people auditioning that roles available.

One role for which very few audition and which anyone can have is the role of God. To pass the audition, one needs to just give up all other roles which require the self.

Way Of Way 190

As every-thing is interdependent

every-thing is no-thing

just a facet of everything.


No-thing can be described

as descriptions are empty generalizations,

the personal mind’s creation,

making something out of nothing.


Every-thing is temporary

and everything is eternal.

Descriptions are the personal mind’s vanity,

vain attempts to eternalize that which is no longer.


The universal mind is empty of words.

It is still

and yet busy

eternally manifesting itself as everything.


When our personal mind is still

it merges with the universe mind

and we are one with everything.

Way Of Way 109

The universe is the manifestation of God. Loving God is loving every thing; even those things we don’t like and seek to avoid.

Way Of Way 179

We should always acknowledge and express our gratitude to the God of Luck.

If we think our success comes solely from our abilities and efforts and not from the presence of the God of Luck, the God of Luck will not acknowledge us with his presents.

Way Of Way 178

Those who blame their misfortunes on others don’t learn from their misfortunes which brings them more misfortunes.

Way Of Way 177

Those who see the light embody wisdom.

Those who feel its warmth embody compassion.

Without wisdom and compassion, there is no light.

Way Of Way 176

Something is wrong with our head if we can’t enjoy the pleasures of sex and recreational drugs. Nothing is wrong when we enjoy these things, unless they get to our head.

Way Of Way 175

When you look down on others you cannot see the light.

Way Of Way 173

You can’t push on a string.

Unsolicited monologues get little attention.

However, we have people’s attention when we respond to their questions.

When we question others, they give us their mouth. When they question us, we have their ears.

Ask enough questions and when their mouths tire, they will ask some questions and open their ears.


Way Of Way 169

When we focus on the details, we often fail to see the beauty of the whole.

A beautiful artwork that’s deemed a “fake” becomes less beautiful.

Way Of Way 164

Whether awake or asleep, we are always dreaming.

Those who are asleep don’t know they are dreaming.

Those who are awake know they are dreaming.

Way Of Way 153

More praise and love is given to the dead than the living, because the dead can do no wrong.

Way Of Way 149

Everyone wants something special as long as it tastes like vanilla.

Way Of Way 140

Life is an entertaining journey as long as we don’t forget it’s a temporary holiday from where we permanently reside which is heaven. Even those with the most wonderful lives find themselves in hell when they forget they’re on holiday.

Way Of Way 139

For crying babies, milk brings peace.

As adults, the Milky Way has the same effect.

Unfortunately, few can access the Milky Way today.

120 years ago everyone lived under the dark-sky and could see the Milky Way. Today, 99% of people live with some degree of light pollution, precluding their eyes from drinking the light of the Milky Way.

Way Of Way 137

What is within is always the same, the soul.

What is without is ever-changing.

What is within is essential.

What is without we can live without.

Way Of Way 136

Enlightenment is not a utopia. Enlightenment and unhappiness are not mutually exclusive. One could simultaneously be enlightened and unhappy, momentarily.

The enlightened radiate light. While solid objects cast shadows over them, the shadows are temporary illusions that are quickly dissipated by their light.

Way Of Way 133

The sun shows us every significant thing on earth and the billions upon billions of stars tell us how insignificant it all is.

Way Of Way 132

When we have no doubts about how we see something, we close our eyes to other possibilities.

Way Of Way 130

Heaven is peaceful and those in heaven want to keep it that way. They only let into heaven only those who live peaceful lives on Earth who are already in heaven.

Way Of Way 128

Can we take seriously explanations of the past as no one can predict the future?

Way Of Way 126

Buddha opened his eyes and was able to see the universe as it is. Had Buddha been studying Buddhism, he would have seen many things through his mind which would have precluded him seeing the universe as it is.

Way Of Way 124

Babies see the world as it is, always new as it is everchanging, because they don’t remember what they see.

Way Of Way 16

Every night we die and every morning we are born anew.

Thus, every day is our first and last day of life.

As it’s our first day, everything is fascinating.

As it’s our last day, we appreciate everything.

Way Of Way 5

If someone doesn’t love or respect us, that’s their problem. We can only feel badly for them because they simply don’t get it. However, we too have a problem if we resent them for it.

Way Of Way 2

Everyone’s life is unique, fascinating and entertaining. But that’s often not their experience of it.

Way Of Way 158

Enlightenment is when the lights go on in a theater featuring a captivating movie.

Way Of Way 108

Each of us stars in their own play and plays roles in other people’s plays.

As many plays are not popular, people who star in their own play often spend most of their time in roles in other people’s plays.

To have these people who are in minor roles in the plays of others perform best, we treat them like special guest stars. Maybe one day they will be stars; but, if not, at least they’ll enjoy their roles more than otherwise and that will make our play a better play.

Way Of Way 99

At birth we separate from being one with the universe. At death, we reunite with the universe. Blessed are those united with the universe in life, for they do not suffer death.

Way Of Way 98

Who we are is revealed by how we describe others. But that’s rarely how we see ourselves.

Way Of Way 447

Unless they are a threat, it is difficult to take seriously someone who takes themselves seriously.

Way Of Way 83

Life is a present gift wrapped by the past. To get to the present, we need to remove the past.

Way Of Way 72

Being eccentric, I sometimes wonder whether I might someday be committed to a mental institution. But as I look at the people around me, I realize I am in a mental institution.

Way Of Way 70

Since early childhood I always felt stupid. Many people seemed strange as I didn’t know why they did what they did and how they thought about things. I still feel stupid but now realize they are not strange. They are like me. They also don’t know why they do what they do or how they think about things.

Way Of Way 69

It’s important to think another world war is coming. If it doesn’t come, we’ll feel terrific as we’ll be in a better position than had there been a war. If it does come, we’ll feel terrific as we would be in an otherwise better position to deal with it proactively.

Way Of Way 67

When we are one with the ever-changing and eternal universe, we love everything and miss nothing.

Way Of Way 66

When we come upon a serious accident, we reveal who we are. Is our first question “what happened?” or “how can I help?”

Way Of Way 61

With our eyes we can see the surface and depth of things. With the eyes of others we can see the nature of things.

Way Of Way 60

Every child has a father but needs to father itself to become an adult.

Way Of Way 59

Life is a ride on a zip line connecting pre-birth and afterlife. The ride at times feels scary, thrilling and even boring. As the ride nears its end, we feel the calmness of our pre-birth.

Way Of Way 48

As we approach the end of days, we may reflect on our achievements and cherished memories, we can assess how wonderful was our journey by asking, “When was the best time of my life?” If our answer is “now,” we have lived a remarkable life.

Way Of Way 46

God runs the Rewards Department.

The devil runs the Complaint Department.

Way Of Way 42

Birth is like nuclear fission, a powerful explosion.

Love is like nuclear fusion, 3-4 times more powerful.

In fission, our soul separates from being one with everything.

In fusion, our soul reunites as one with everything.

Way Of Way 32

When work is just work and not fun, something is not working.

Way Of Way 33

Certainty is an illusion that masks fear of uncertainty.

Way Of Way 27

When we experience the seemingly same thing again and again and each time it’s unique, we are present.

Way Of Way 416

Most people want to have something special as long as it tastes like vanilla.

Way Of Way 415

Seeing the light clears the mind. It’s called photic sneeze reflex.

Way Of Way 413

Judging a decision by its outcome, which is often affected by randomness, is a bad decision.

Way Of Way 412

Everything that comes our way is the best when we make the best of it.

Way Of Way 410

Weddings always make happy memories.

For some couples, it’s the happiest day of their lives as they begin living happily everafter. For others, it’s the happiest day of their married lives as it’s all downhill from there.

Way Of Way 407

Perhaps the most important choice we make in life is between selfishness and happiness. Though selfishness is a choice and happiness is an outcome.

We cannot choose happiness but happiness is possible when we choose not to be selfish.

Way Of Way 404

Science says we see others by the light they reflect. In reality, we see others by the light we project upon them.

Way Of Way 409

“Those who can make you believe in absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” — Voltaire

Ideologies and identity groups are absurdities that are the foundation of dualities.

Way Of Way 403

Wealth and social status are imaginary hierarchies. Those atop hierarchies are generally very happy with themselves. When they look at those below them, they are pleased as they see the admiring and respectful faces of those below. However, the laws of gravity disturb this otherwise mutually pleasing relationship. Invariably, those atop need to relieve themselves and their droppings are resented by those below. There is nothing imaginary about that.

Way Of Way 388

The pursuit of happiness is a fool’s errand. Happiness is like a mouse, it comes to those who sit quietly with a piece of cheese by their side.

Way Of Way 386

The past are the bars our mind creates holding us prisoner in a cell.

We can incessantly shake the bars, trying to free ourselves, but to no avail.

Letting go our grip, the bars fall to the floor and we can walk away from our cell to freedom.

Way Of Way 159

Those who know they know nothing are childlike. Those who think they know everything are childish.

Way Of Way 117

An enlightening journeyman can guide others on their journey. An enlightened master makes the journeys of others into a business.