Life is a balance sheet of left and right. the left is day and the right is night, where what is real is out of sight, not what is but what just might....

Divine are the waves. God is the ocean. Divine are sunset and sunrise. God is the sun. The everchanging is divine. The essence is God. When we see the divine in every thing, we are divine. When we see God in every thing, we are God....

Words are stars, pure light, allowing us to see at night. Sentences are constellations, only real in our imaginations....

The soul is the ocean. We are its waves. While we are often oblivious of the ever-present ocean, the ocean loves its waves.  ...

On the night sky we draw lines with our imagination creating a story in the form of a constellation which tells time and guides our navigation....

Some see themselves in everyone. Others see others as different from themselves. That's what makes them different....

He who loves everyone is often seen as loving solely his self. He loves the sole self, the soul. Everyone is a manifestation of the soul....

There are more stars above than grains of sand below. I look so much larger than a star, but am I smaller than a grain of sand?...