The tangible things we see as whole are just a surface surrounding a hole. All there is comes from a hole, the eye's center, creating the whole....

Every thing unique, every thing everchanging. Can't know every thing, but can know nothing. The essence of the Everything....

Some things high, some things low. We live in a vertical world. In sleep and at death, all is horizontal. The universe knows no such measures.  ...

Stars seem motionless, with no sense of time. Randomly dispersed, without rhythm or rhyme. Constellations tell time far and near. Hour of night, month of year....

Once I have passed, many will think of me as past. Those who know of timeless love, that which emanates from above, will smile with joy and not shed a tear. While my body is gone, I am forever here....

Earth breathes the air, fire eats the Earth, water drowns fire, air evaporates water. Different things, same thing....

With one eye, we can see. With two eyes, we have depth perception. With one mind, we have a view. With many minds, we have a wide perspective....