If you are shy look to the night sky. Standing tall in the vastness of it all, there's nothing to fear as everyone is small who's near....

Nothing is perfect, as nothing has nothing about it which anyone complains. Before and after the now, there is nothing. Before and after the now must be heaven....

What I see is outside of me. What I smell, taste and hear draws everything near. The eye creates the self and fear. The nose, mouth and ear make everything dear....

We transform the now into words and then revert. Back and forth and back and forth and back, until the words are the now....

Light shines brightly on both "dark" and "light" sides of the moon. Those who think there's a "dark" side are in the dark....

Enlightenment cannot be described to real effect; other than by pinholes of insights, like stars in the night sky....

A grain of sand is no smaller than a star, one is near and the other far. Size depends on who you are....

Life is a trial. Some are innocent, some guilty. Some win, some lose. There is no contest: everyone executed at the end....