Every eye is unique. Yet, the reflection of my face the same in every pupil....

The universal mind is a reflecting pond. We sit around its perimeter. One thing, many perspectives....

When we forget from where we come, we know not where we are going. Not knowing what we are, we go the way of others....

The mind is a reflecting pond, but do I see my true face as backward letters hard to read?...

So much depends upon five baby rubber ducks walking behind a red rooster....

Every thing is two things, reflected light and a shadow. As each cannot be without the other, they are one thing....

There is no fountainhead, river or sea just something flowing freely, whatever it be....

Under the sun and without the self we would surely starve to death. Those who forget we are the soul cannot survive death, the black hole....

Gently rafting down river. Calm as the pulse in my veins. Rapids approach, pulse quickens....