With the eye of the sun, we see things as they are. With our eyes, only illusions....

Many see what looks to be the distant river flowing into the sea. All I see is me....

I am eye, a pupil studying the world filtered by colors and patterns of my iris....

After the purple crayon didn't taste like a grape, no grape tasted like a grape....

Our pupils are like stars and black holes. Like the sun, they illuminate everything around us. Yet, whatever light enters them is never seen again....

The sun is the eye of the soul, revealing all through our pupil, a black hole. As our iris filters the light of the sun, we each see differently which makes life fun....

The big Buddha statue sits in silent meditation, bird droppings encrusted on his cheeks like tears. Some sit at his feet with offerings and prayers, while a boy Buddha laughs, swimming in the reflecting pond....

Each of us is a self that covers the soul. Like a shoe, the self is the visible surface atop the sole. However shiny and polished, a shoe is useless without a sole....

Before the now, before the world of form, the soul is whole. In the now, the soul is countless forms and roles. until once again we become whole....

I thought an ant infinitesimally small and meaningless, until I saw the night sky and realized I was....