Bell ringing in the empty sky bouncing sound awakens me to time passing....

There is many a way to a place far away. Yet the Great Way is here, not away....

The mind of God creates the universe. Our mind creates our world. When our mind merges with the mind of God, we are the universe....

Holding something tight, our hand forms a fist. Letting go, it's a handshake....

A coin is integrity, its different sides duality. A coin is worth something, its sides worth nothing....

Guru and I shared stories. His stories, histories. My stories, mysteries. So quickly, roles reverse....

"I love you" is the self expressing animal love. "I love us" is love beyond the self. "I love it all" is divine love....

The sun is rising and setting simultaneously and continuously. Day and night is about space, not time....

Birth is fission. Love is fusion. Fusion is a greater explosion than fission....

We come from a black hole arrive with a big bang make fireworks then turn into confetti....