Knowledge is sexual, double helix perpetual. As we climb this ladder to the heavens from where we came, soon enough nothing is ever the same. Twisting and turning, what's right becomes left and left becomes right. Upward and onward, until Earth is completely out of sight....

Going back or forward in time is a race, a journey to Earth's center or outer space. Death by implosion/explosion, by fire or ice. Best stay where I am, everything here, everything nice....

Love from the self and love from the soul. Each love in life plays a role. Love from the soul connects us to all. Love from the self helps us grow tall. Love is love, it all feels the same both from places that sound alike in name. Love from the soul comes from the whole Love from the self comes from the hole....

The war in Gaza is a never-ending fight. Each side has a story told in a different light. It's difficult to comprehend, but they fuel the blight. I long to see the truth, but the fire rages so bright. In the heat from emotions, I await the cool night where distant stars guide the way, with no wrong nor right....