The way to heaven is open to everyone but those who think it is only open to those in their religion but not another. They are going in the opposite direction....

(is is is!) or (is is is?)?   It is what it is whatever it is; otherwise, it's a creation of consciousness....

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." -- John 1:1, The Gospel of John.   Unlike seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching which absorb energy, the spoken word is like the Big Bang; a burst of energy from within to without. Words are a medium for consciousness to define and give agency to infinite everchanging things from a universe that is an eternal flow. Words transform God into man and man into God. As a mantra, meditating on a word (its sound, meaning, etymology and uses), we realize its allusions are illusions as we melt into the eternal flow of the universe....

How can you tell "heads" from "tails" as a coin has an infinite number of sides (depending on who is viewing it, which way and when)?   You can't know, when you know what you are. Something that seems simply black or white ("heads" or "tails") is incomprehensively complex. The complexity melts away its rigidity to reveal its fluidity. What seems independent is interdependent as we are one eternal everchanging is....