"More important than writing is erasing." -- Kotzker Rebbe “To attain knowledge, add things everyday. To attain wisdom, remove things every day.” — Lao Tzu...

Eureka! All There Is Is Is.   Eureka means "I have found it." Yet, there is nothing to be found as all there is is being and becoming; the Everything that is eternal and everchanging.   Acronym: EATIII (pronounced as "80") "8" is the symbol of infinity (∞) drawn vertically, reflecting the human form. Graphically, an endless knot constantly twisting and turning in different directions. "8" is consciousness; infinite in time and everchanging as it is manifesting in the now. "0" is a hole with two separate sides, inside and outside. However, their separateness is an illusion as they are interdependent; one cannot exist without the other. Together they are a whole, not a hole. "0" is our experience of the now: an illusion of separate things that are actually one thing. Both "8"and "0" are continuous, a flow with no beginning and no end. Eureka! All there is is the flow of eternal consciousness; everchanging as it creates the now....

"Water is the face of fire." -- Kanako Iiyama   The appearance of things is unlike their true nature. Water, like most things, slowly changes its form. Yet, beneath the surface, all things are rapidly and constantly changing, like fire. Water is transparent and reflective. When we don't see the fire within water, what we see is a reflection of our self. We perceive the world as discrete things, like water and fire. However, all things are aspects of the same interconnected thing, the Everything.   This koan is Kanako's family motto: how the family presents itself to others: We are like water: calm, nourishing and practical. Yet, like fire, we can cause great destruction....

Before and after the now, there is no time. The now comes and goes in an instant, yet the now is eternal. What is time?...