“Enlightenment is like everyday consciousness, but two inches above the ground.” -- D.T. Suzuki Enlightenment is proverbially described as "being one with everything." It is a state associated with the dissolution of the illusory self, transcending duality and realizing our oneness with the Everything. Consciousness is consciousness. Enlightenment consciousness is not different from self consciousness. Describing enlightenment as being two inches above the ground seems the antithesis of enlightenment, as it implies separation/duality. No! Two inches above the ground implies enlightenment is transcendental, beyond our conventional understanding of the material world with forces like gravity. The "ground" represents the now. When we are on the ground, we are in the now. Through the consciousness of the self, we experience the now as a duality: the self and all that is not the self. The consciousness of enlightenment is observing the now which can be done through meditation. The now is breathing. We can observe the now when we are in the space between exhale and inhale. In this silent space we realize we create the now and, once created, we are the now....
What do we see everywhere but rarely notice? Light. Things we see are not things, just light reflecting off things. We don't see that light (Energy) is the essence of all things. Energy is Mass moving at the speed of light squared (E = MC²). All things (Mass) are energy slowed by the speed of light squared (M = E/C²). All things, outside and inside, are light. Perceiving things otherwise, as solid or distinct from other things, is an illusion. As all things are light, all things are enlightening. When you see things as things are, what are you?...