As the now is moving at incomprehensible speeds, how can our senses inform us of the now?" The Earth is rotating at 1,037 miles/hour and revolving around the sun at 66,616 miles/hour. Our solar system is revolving around the center of the Milky Way galaxy on average at 514,000 miles/hour. The Milky Way is moving towards the Andromeda Galaxy at 1,339,200 miles/hour. At these speeds, our senses cannot inform us of the now, yet the now seems stable and continuous. Our mind slows everything down, creating the illusion of the now....
When a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Mu (nothing). There is no tree, forest or sound, as they are all manifestations of our consciousness. The universe is not an infinite number of things; only one thing: the universe. Consciousness creates an infinite number of things out of the universe....