"When you ain't got nothing, you got nothing to lose." -- Bob Dylan   Thinking we have something to lose means we have already lost our freedom. Nothing is free....

You cannot escape a prison if you don't know you're in one.   The self creates a familiar and comforting world out of an otherwise chaotic and scary universe. We escape to this world, not realizing it imprisons us. The self's prison separates us from the universe. However, there is nothing to fear as we are the universe.   Inside our prison we're engaged with what happens in life and our self's emotional reactions. We rarely disengage to wonder who, where and what we are. Yet, by observing our world and what surrounds it, we realize we know no thing. The illusory knowledge of our self's creation is the foundation of our prison. We can then know nothing; what every thing is before and after it is what it is whatever it is in the now. Nothing is the essence of every thing. As our illusory knowledge lifts like clouds, we see the vastness of the night sky and realize we are the universe....

"The way to live eternal life is in a state of perpetual orgasm." -- Karen Uppal   Orgasm is like the Big Bang in reverse. Instead of nothing becoming an infinite number of things, we become the Everything. Few words are ever said at the moment of orgasm, other than: "Oh my God."...

"[I]t is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth.” -- Matthew 15:10-20  ...

When the inside becomes the outside: we are the creator. When there is no outside or inside: we are creation....