What happens when we die? What happens when we die! That is, when we die we transition from the "Who" into the "What." The "Who" is consciousness; all that is in the material world of the now. The "What" the transcendental; the ineffable energy that is the invisible essence of all things that are the "Who". The "Who" is the expression of the "What". In the now, we are the "Who". In the time before and after the now, we are the "What." The "What" is constantly transitioning into the "Who" and the "Who" transitioning into the "What". The "Who" is one thing, but our self sees the "Who" as an infinite number of seemingly independent things. When we realize the "Who" is one thing that's created by our consciousness, we know the "What". Those that know they are the "Who" and the "What" are eternal beings. Those that view themselves as solely a "Who" (the self) will surely die....

Sleeping is a state of consciousness based on the illusion of knowledge. Awakening is the realization we don't know anything. Enlightenment is knowing nothing....

What are we thinking when we think we know what someone else is thinking?...

How can the now be eternally unchanged, yet the now that's now is different than the now before now?   The now that’s passed and the now to come are somewhere light seconds or years from here....

How do you know when you are looking at something whether you are seeing it through your eyes, your mind, the mind of others or a group mind?...

Are the brightest those who reflect the brightest light or those who emit light which reflects from everything around them?...

The now begins with M = E/C² and ends with E = MC². M = Mass E = Energy C = Speed of Light   Before the now, all there is is Energy. When Energy is slowed down by incomprehensible speeds, Energy becomes Mass. Mass is the things that comprise the now. When Mass is speeded up to incomprehensible speeds, Mass reverts into Energy and the now that was now is now no longer. The cycle of Energy to Mass and back to Energy is incomprehensively quick. Yet, the mind slows it down so we experience the now as a continuous thing over time....