"Soooo" is the sound of inhaling. "Hmmmmm" is the sound of exhaling. Together, the cycle of breathing is "Soham", meaning "I am" in Sanskrit. Soham is often used as a mantra symbolizing the unity of the individual self with ultimate reality. In the Bible, "I am" is how God self-identifies....

As male/female titles "Mr.", "Mrs." and "Ms." are out of fashion in these contentious times, perhaps punctuations should be used to identity people and their sexual proclivities; to wit: Female appearance:  (:) Male appearance:  (;) Straight:  (|) Gay:  (\) Bisexual:  (<>) Trans  (\/) Dominant Female:  (‘:) Submissive Female:  (:’) Dominant Male:  (‘;) Submissive Male:  (;’) Weird Female in public:  (“:) Weird Male in public:  (“;) Weird Female in private:  (:”) Weird Male in private:  (;”) Weird Female every which way:  (“:”) Weird Male every which way: (“;”) Undecided Person:  (?) Materialistic:  ($) Into group sex:  (#) Sexually loyal:  (&) Mental connection priority:  (i) Physical connection priority:  (!) Wants children:  (+) Doesn't want children:  (-) Self-conscious:  (%) Dreamer:  (*) Religious:  (^) Homebody:  (@)   For example, a person describing themselves as: ("$^&':@+) is a publicly weird materialistic religious loyal dominant Female homebody interested in having children. (';!<>#*"-) is a dominant Male physically focused bisexual into group sex fantasies privately weird stuff and not interested in having children.   Alternatively, recognizing our unity, everyone could simply be referred to as "it". This identifier is suggested by the long-used greeting: "How's it going?" Ultimately, those who know the true nature of things can only describe anyone or thing as "it is what it is whatever it is ".  They are at peace, as they know the devil is in the details....

"Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe." -- Galileo Galilei Mathematics connects everything in the universe. The mind created the word "number" whose etymology is "to divide."...

"The medium is the message." "The medium is the mess-age." "The medium is the mass-age." "The medium is the massage." Marshall McLuhan   "The medium is the message" means that the information carrier (TV, movie, newspapers, etc.) distorts the information creator's message such that the medium's agenda overshadows the message. The medium is often more the focus of the viewer's attention than the information. For example, a spiritual leader often receives more attention from his followers than does his message. "The medium is the mess-age" implies the same information from different carriers can be so different such that the information is more confusing than informative. "The medium is the mass-age" means there are so many carriers conveying the same information, the viewer is overwhelmed and can't take in other information. "The medium is the massage" means the view seeks stress relief more than information; content that makes the viewer content. As the affects of message, mess-age, mass-age and massage are overwhelming, the viewer stops to think independently....