Koan 125

“He who speaks does not know, he who knows does not speak.” — Lao Tzu


The Everything is the ever-changing now and the never-changing space outside the now.

When we are in the now, we cannot know the now, just as a hand cannot grasp itself.

He who speaks is in the now. He does not know.

He who knows is in the silent space outside the now where he can observe the now.


He who speaks creates vibrations, the essence of the now.

He who sees and listens observes vibrations. By observing vibrations, he knows.


A speaker does not know, for speaking is a fool’s errand. What a speaker describes is empty, as the everchanging now of which he speaks is the now that once was and is now no longer.

To the observer, the now is a flow that cannot be described by words which are static; as a circle cannot be squared.


He who knows, delights in observing the beauty of the now. It is an experience he doesn’t want to interrupt by speaking which would put him to the now.