03 Jan Way Of Way 228
The past, present and future are the timeless and Nameless One.
The present is the fulcrum where the past and future meet.
Yet, there are infinite fulcrums as there are infinite spaces light years from each other.
The past, present and future in one space is not the past, present or future in another space.
The past, present and future happen simultaneously but in different spaces.
As the Nameless One (past, present and future) is too overwhelming to experience directly, we experience it indirectly as the now.
The now is not the present, but our experience of what we think is the present.
The now is our self creating an orderly world from the otherwise overwhelming Nameless One.
However, we can come to know the Nameless One as it is, not as we are, by being present.
When we are present we can observe the now.
Meditation allows us to be present.
In meditation, we focus on inhaling and exhaling.
The sound of the inhale is “soo” and the exhale is “hmm”.
The sounds of breathing form the word “soham”, meaning “I am” in Sanskrit.
By breathing, I am the now.
In the silent space between breaths, I observe the now.
I am the timeless and Nameless One creating the now.