The Everything is the now and what is before and after the now. The Everything is often called "God." As many people have particular mental associations with God, the word God is rarely used in this blog. Yet, as many people pray to God for happiness, it may be instructive to understand the workings of God. God is beautiful, like a shiny coin rapidly flipping in the air and reflecting light. One side is called "heads" and the other called "tails." The plural is used to describe each side because each time we see the same side it is different in time and space than before. The only constant is change. At any moment, only the coin's heads or tails side is visible. The visible side is the now and the side we don't see is what's before and after the now. As God is rapidly turning, the visible side we see is vague. The details of it we think we see are created by our mind. The heads and tails are a duality. Yet, there is no duality as all there is is one thing, a shiny coin rapidly flipping and reflecting light, with two sides "turning into one" (the etymology of the word "universe"). While we focus our attention on the two sides, the coin also has a third side, the edge. The edge is the interconnection of the two seeming opposite sides. Horizontally along the edge is an imaginary central axis around which the coin dances in perfect harmony. This is the "Tao" of the coin; where we don't focus on the tangible sides as we are at peace simply watching the coin fluttering like a butterfly. Few of us are at peace. Most are plagued with endless desires we hope will be satisfied in the next now to appear. We pray to God to bring us luck; that the next now will satisfy our desires and bring us happiness. "Hap" means luck. It is the root of happiness....

The soul is the center from which everything springs. That which is closest to the center is closest to the soul. That is the heart. Further and further away from the soul is the self. That is the head and genitalia. The heart expresses love from the soul. The head and genitalia express love from the self....

Love is love like water is water. It's all the same but its source different. There is love from the self and love from the soul The self expresses many emotions, including love. The soul only expresses itself with love. Love from the self is temporary, as the self also needs to express other emotions. Love from the soul is unending. Love from the self is love of specific things. Love from the soul is love of the Everything. Love from the self is conditional. Love from the soul is unconditional. Love from the self is demonstrative. Love from the soul is ethereal. Love from the self is as finite as the self. Love from the soul connects us as one to the eternal now. Love from the self is empathy. Love from the soul is compassion....

Knowing who you are, you can make the best of your roles in life. Knowing what you are is the best role....

Fire and water are diametrically opposite ways through life, emotional and practical. Water people dampen the enthusiasm of fire people. Fearing death, fire people divide water people into variously labeled pots to vaporize them....

When we are grateful and love the now that is now, we are poised to be with happiness with the now that will be later....

Everything is in the now. Yet, when you miss something in the now, something is missing: you....

The messiah is here, but is hiding; yet, revealed through our acts of kindness to all, treating others as we treat our selves. Within each of us is the messiah, hiding behind our self....

“The Great Way” to liberation (awakening and enlightenment) is like the infinite paths of light that lead to the sun. Yet, "The Great Way" is unlike these paths of lights, as it is the realization that the light that's here is the light that's there....