The soul is the ocean. Incomprehensible to whatever perceives it's a self in it. The ocean expresses itself as waves riding the electromagnetic spectrum, visible only when passing through as light. The ever-changing waves are the face of the eternal ocean. Seeing distinct faces in the waves, we're oblivious of the ocean until the faces return to it, which is what we are....

The duality of what's us and not us is obvious. The duality of our emotions is insidious. Realizing we are the soul, the self's dualities are superfluous....

The mystical experience is wherein your reference to the universe is no longer the consciousness of your self. You experience the universe as an observer and as the universe, the consciousness of the soul. What you observe is that all that your self had previously thought was just thoughts. Things are not as you had always imagined them to be. As you see colors dropping from a painting, over the frame, onto the wall and floor; you realize everything is interconnected. Nothing is as discrete as seems. What you see is what you are. I am eye. You love every thing as it is not a thing but a temporary manifestation of the universe; a flowing expression of the soul. We are love. We are the soul....

The self loves some things and not others. The soul loves only one thing: the universe. The universe is "all things turned into one". The soul loves all things as they are (whatever they are in the now), as all things are otherwise the universe.   I've often met strangers and declared that I love them no less than I love my children. That's because I love all things. One such stranger responded: "Well, if you love everyone, you love no one." That is the perspective of the self....

The way to heaven is open to everyone but those who think it is only open to those in their religion but not another. They are going in the opposite direction....