The now begins with M = E/C² and ends with E = MC². M = Mass E = Energy C = Speed of Light   Before the now, all there is is Energy. When Energy is slowed down by the speed of light squared, energy becomes Mass. Mass is the manifestation of Energy in the now.   When Mass accelerates to the speed of light squared, it reverts into Energy. The process of Energy to Mass and back happens in an instant; again and again and again. It happens so quickly, we don't sense it happening. The mind creates an illusion of continuity and stability....

Every thing is not as it seems, as it is constantly changing. Only the mind makes it seem otherwise....

Life is a play. It's purpose is to play.   To play with your self's various emotions in whatever your roles. To play is to have fun in the process....

No body is getting out of here alive, but those emitting unconditional love.   Unconditional love comes only from the soul. The eternal universe is the manifestation of the soul....