How do we find God, as God has no name or address? Taoism, Mystical Christianity, Sufism, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism identify God as the "Nameless One". God is nameless, as having a name would mean God is one thing and not another, implying duality. God, the antithesis of duality, is the whole universe. We see the manifestation of God everywhere in the everchanging and eternal now. We are this manifestation. Yet, as God resides in the timeless space before and after the now, it's difficult for us in the now to find and commune with God. It is easy to find God when we look in a mirror and realize we are God....
Everyone is going to heaven. When the pure light beckons us to heaven, we alight Earth and join it. As we become one with the pure light, our self disappears. Then we are in heaven. Heaven has an infinite number of gates. Statues of Jesus, Moses, Mohammad, Buddha, Lao Tzu and others greet us at the gates. At each gate are barkers distributing various religious books. The books are free, but freedom is the price of admission. Once we enter one of heaven's gates, we will spend eternity there. While the heaven behind each gate sounds attractive, we need to choose between them. To choose wisely, look for the souls living lightly on Earth as if they are already in heaven....
"What was your original face before your parents were born?" -- Hui-neng (638-713 CE), the Sixth Patriarch of Chan Buddhism in China (predecessor of Zen Buddhism) My original face before my parents were born was my original face before my parents were born; it was what it was whatever it was. Thinking of it otherwise is an illusion. The question declares the answer: What was my original face before my parents were born! Before some thing is a this, that or who, it is unrecognizable and beyond description; a what as in "What is it? What is it!" "What" implies a pre-conceptional reality. The "what" is the soul; what every thing is before and after it is in the now. "Mu!"* My original face before my parents were born was nothing but infinite potentials: the soul. My original face before my parents were born is my true nature: the indescribable peace from oneness with the unmanifested soul. *"Mu" means "no" or "nothing" in Japanese, a common response to koans. "Mu" is a kind of emptiness; not a void, but devoid; like an empty room with the potential to be filled. "Mu" isn't "no", it's challenging the framework of the question....
Every thing is beautiful in its own way. Things can only be ugly from our way....