"Soooo" is the sound of inhaling. "Hmmmm" is the sound of exhaling. Together, the cycle of breathing is "Soham", meaning "I am" in Sanskrit. As a mantra, "I am" implies pure being; not a specified being or self, just ultimate reality (God). Cross-culturally, in the Bible, "I am" is how God self-identifies. ...
Traditional gender titles of Mr, Mrs, and Ms are self-limiting in contemporary times. Perhaps punctuations should be used to identity people and their sexual identities, such as: Female appearance: (:) Male appearance: (;) Straight: (|) Gay: (\) Bisexual: (<>) Trans (\/) Dominant Female: (‘:) Submissive Female: (:’) Dominant Male: (‘;) Submissive Male: (;’) Weird Female in public: (“:) Weird Male in public: (“;) Weird Female in private: (:”) Weird Male in private: (;”) Weird Female every which way: (“:”) Weird Male every which way: (“;”) Undecided Person: (?) Materialistic: ($) Into group sex: (#) Sexually loyal: (&) Mental connection priority: (i) Physical connection priority: (!) Wants children: (+) Doesn't want children: (-) Self-conscious: (%) Dreamer: (*) Religious: (^) Homebody: (@) For example, a person describing themselves as: ("$^&':@+) is a publicly weird materialistic religious loyal dominant Female homebody interested in having children. (';!<>#*"-) is a dominant Male physically focused bisexual into group sex fantasies privately weird stuff and not interested in having children. It's clearly ridiculous when the mind categorizes ourselves and others with punctuation. Categorization rejects the truth which is that each of us is unique and yet share a oneness. Recognizing our unity, everyone could simply be referred to as "it". This identifier is suggested by the long-used greeting: "How's it going?" Ultimately, those who know the true nature of things can only describe anyone or thing as "it is what it is whatever it is ". They are at peace, as they know the devil is in the details....
In the play of life, we play many roles. The most coveted are the elusive roles of the wealthy, powerful and celebrated. While talent and effort are needed, most actors awarded these roles are simply lucky. Unfortunately, even for the lucky ones, all roles are temporary. Eventually, everyone is scripted out of the play. Actors bring their selves into their roles. However, there is a role that's only available to those who relinquish their self. The role is easily obtainable and survives the play. Yet, few players know this role is available: the role of God. As God, we know life is a play. We've created the play for our entertainment. We are the actors and the audience. We recognize every thing is a manifestation of us, God, and we love everything accordingly....