We begin life as a tiny circle, looking like a dot. As we grow, we have an inside and outside. Until there is no more circle, just space....

Water downstream is water past. Water upstream is water future. Water here is water present. Water flows like time, but is timeless....

As there are few who have realized enlightenment, the unenlightened often think an enlightened life is lonely. That's what makes them unenlightened....

Those who absorb light are dull. Those who reflect light are shiny. Those who emit light are brilliant....

Enlightenment is simple: one is one with the light. But it's complicated by the unenlightened who can't agree on what it is....

Living the life of water is the best thing. As snow, it's the most reflective thing. As it flows, it's more practical than anything. When it evaporates, it becomes one with the Everything....