An enlightened man loves every thing equally; though, in selfish moments, some things he likes and some things he doesn't....

Light shines brightly on both "dark" and "light" sides of the moon. Those who think there's a "dark" side are in the dark....

Enlightenment cannot be described to real effect; other than by pinholes of insights, like stars in the night sky....

There is no time, just space. Every thing that was, is and will be happens at the same time but in different spaces....

The universe is the manifestation of the electromagnetic spectrum. We see the universe through light waves which are 0.0035% of the electromagnetic spectrum. If we saw the universe through the entire electromagnetic spectrum, we would wish we were blind; otherwise we would go mad....

In the last year of my mother's life, she was mentally clear but otherwise incapacitated. Living in a nursing facility, she couldn't do much but be carted around to group entertainment activities like movie watching. Her days must have been intolerably long, as she had little to do to kill time until time killed her. Yet, her perspective was otherwise. I once asked her if she was often bored, to which she replied, "Oh, I am busy all day; barely have time to do anything." What was she busy with? "Thinking about my life." My mother traveled to the land of her memories. Her memories must have been happy as she never complained and had no regrets. That's how my mother transitioned, living in her memories until she became a memory. For me, only a happy memory....

A wise man may appear foolish being uncertain of every thing, but only a fool is certain of any thing....