The "smart dumb" are like hedgehogs. With microscopic or telescopic minds, they do one thing well. Yet, they often fail to see what's obvious to the naked eye. The "dumb smart" are like foxes. They don't do anything especially well but can figure out how to get what they want. In a changing environment, a hedgehog is less likely to survive than a fox....

An enlightened man loves every thing equally; though, in selfish moments, some things he likes and some things he doesn't....

Light shines brightly on both "dark" and "light" sides of the moon. Those who think there's a "dark" side are in the dark....

Enlightenment cannot be described to real effect; other than by pinholes of insights, like stars in the night sky....

There is no time, just space. Every thing that was, is and will be happens at the same time but in different spaces....