Trying to find God is extraordinarily difficult as God has no name and no address. Taoism, Mystical Christianity, Sufism, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism identify God as "nameless". Where God resides, the space before and after the now, is wordless.   God is nameless, as having a name would mean God is one thing and not another, implying duality. God, the antithesis of duality, is indistinguishable from the whole universe. There is no word that addresses where God resides, the spaces before and after the now, as people haven't conceptualized these spaces are the same. Yet, the two spaces are the one space, God's residence. God is the oneness of all space outside the now.   The now emerges from and dissolves into the space where God resides. The now is a fleeting glimpse of God. What it reveals we cannot say, as it is everchanging. An everchanging and nameless God with a wordless address is easy to find when we realize we are God....

An overwhelming problem is like being trapped in a box. To escape, think outside the box. The solution to problems comes not by focusing on solutions to problems but by making the best of current circumstances....

There are more stars than grains of sand on earth. I look so much larger than a star, but am I smaller than a grain of sand?...

What looks like a window is actually a mirror.   In quantum mechanics, light exists as a wave—a boundless flow of possibilities—yet, when observed, it manifests as particles, precise and finite. This is called "The Observer Effect". What we see is affected by us seeing it....

Ultimate reality is energy, as it moves in waves (radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, light waves, ultraviolet waves, x-rays, gamma rays, cosmic rays) along the electromagnetic spectrum. Our reality we construct from light waves. Light inhabits 0.0035% of the electromagnetic spectrum. What's outside the light spectrum, we perceive as the void. In the light, we see things coming in from and going out to the void; things being born and dying. Yet nothing is truly born or dies; things simply transition, appearing and disappearing as they move along the spectrum. Ultimate reality is a fleeting dance of energy; endlessly transitioning, yet eternal in essence....