"Someday people will understand what you are talking about and I'm sure this world will be a better place for it, but sure as hell I'll never understand." -- Inscription in my high school graduation album from a fellow graduating student. Those sure there is hell don't know of heaven, for heaven is all there is....

"I look in the mirror every morning and ask myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has been 'No' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something." Every day is not a day in a life, but a life in a day. When every day is everyday, we have yet to awaken. Upon awakening, every day is our first day in life; every-thing is new and unique like never before as we are unfettered by thoughts from time passed or time future.  ...

"[I]t is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth.” -- Matthew 15:10-20  ...

When the inside becomes the outside: we are the creator. When there is no outside or inside: we are creation....

Since I was a young boy, many people thought me funny; a bit odd and laughable in terms of my thinking and lifestyle. I've occasionally been asked : "Which planet do you come from?" I laughed, as it was true; I must have come from someplace else as I didn't think the way they did. However, as I was always happy regardless of circumstances, it should have been clear I didn't come from a another planet. I came from heaven. They too came from heaven, but forgot they did....