The British-American author and journalist Christopher Eric Hitchens (1949–2011)…once recounted a story about Chou En-lai, who served as the first Premier of the People’s Republic of China from 1954 until his death in 1976. According to Hitchens, Chou had been invited to speculate on how the course of history would have been altered if, say, Nikita Khrushchev had been assassinated instead of John F. Kennedy. Chou’s austere version of Marxism made him dubious about the importance of things like sheer accident and mere individuals. But in this instance, he was prepared to allow that things might have been different. How different? “Well,” said Chou with complete gravity, “I hardly think that Aristotle Onassis would have married Mrs. Khrushchev.”...

The two letters in the Hebrew word for "life" have a numerical value, in terms of sequential order in the alphabet, of 8 and 10. Added together, they total 18. The number 18 is symbolic of life. Monetary gifts between Jews for various rites of passage (birthdays, weddings, holidays, etc.) are always given in multiples of 18 ($18, $54, $180, etc.). The number 18 also informs us that life is finite and eternal. 1 is finite as it's drawn from top to bottom, from heaven to Earth, from birth to death. 8 is eternal as it's continuous, with no beginning and no end. In life, the eternal soul is expressed as a finite self. Moreover, 1 implies that every thing is essentially one thing: the expression of the soul. 8  implies every thing is interconnected. Upon realizing all things are one interconnected thing, we treat every thing as we treat ourselves. That's compassion. Our oneness with every thing allows us to view the world from infinite perspectives. That's the essence of wisdom. Wisdom and compassion characterize a fully realized life....

"It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."     *Misattributed to Mark Twain but not inconsistent with Twain's insights generally....

The mind of God creates the universe. Our mind creates our world. When our mind merges with the mind of God, we are the universe....

Those who claim their success came from luck are able. Those who think their success came from their abilities are bound to be unlucky....