Politicians are a form of comic entertainment. However, when many people take politicians seriously, we’re forced to take politicians seriously because the politicians often lead people to war when they haven't done a good job at their other responsibilities....

Even-ing is when we are all made even; the smart, the stupid, the rich, the poor; all even, equal, in sleep-death. In sleep-death, our soul returns to its source where all souls are sole, one, even. Evening Prayer Oh eternal universe. Oh endless universe. Oh ever-changing universe. Oh timeless universe. Thank you all for giving me a role in the play of life, "Terrific." Thank you for divine consciousness. Now, in sleep-death my soul returns to its source to which it has always been connected to be one with everything before everything becomes something that is what it is whatever it is and before time begins. Hopefully soon, my soul returns and awakens the vessel holding the light of life.   Life begins not upon our awakening, but in sleep-death. A wonderful Earth life awaits us upon awakening when we enter sleep-death in a happy state of mind. In the Evening Prayer we express our gratitude. Gratitude is the essence of happiness....

Many people audition for seemingly exciting roles in the play of life. Roles of the wealthy, powerful, successful, happy, etc. However, there are more people auditioning that roles available. One role for which very few audition and which anyone can have is the role of God. To pass the audition, one needs to just give up all other roles which require the self....

"All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for...

Elohim is a Hebrew word that literally means "gods" but is used in prayer to refer to God in the singular, one God. Literal meanings relate to the mundane. In the secular world, there are a virtually infinite number of human manifestations of God, the faces of God. These are elohim, gods. In prayer, we enter the spiritual realm in which there is only one God from which everything emanates. As humans, we are elohim; we are gods. As such, we can view ourselves as different from other elohim (in which case we don't recognize them as gods) or realize that we are one of the infinite faces of God; that is, that we are God. Hashem, "the name," is a Hebrew word referring to God. This name for God is purposely ambiguous, unspecified. If God's name was specifically identified, it would imply God is one thing and not another; the antithesis of God as God is everything. However, referring to God as "the name" suggests that knowing God's name reveals the nature of God. When we come to know the meaning of Elohim, the secret of our oneness with God is revealed....

Earth is an eyeball peering from all sides into peaceful space. Here and there, a restless mist scrubs its face. The dew left in its wake makes a watery mess of the landscape. The flood and the hideous gather the attention of those now oblivious to everything beyond the sky where those who rest in peace lie....

As every-thing is interdependent every-thing is no-thing just a facet of everything.   No-thing can be described as descriptions are empty generalizations, the personal mind's creation, making something out of nothing.   Every-thing is temporary and everything is eternal. Descriptions are the personal mind's vanity, vain attempts to eternalize that which is no longer.   The universal mind is empty of words. It is still and yet busy eternally manifesting itself as everything.   When our personal mind is still it merges with the universe mind and we are one with everything....

Birth is fission. Love is fusion. Fusion has greater energy than fission....

"May you live in interesting times." This quasi-blessing is actually a curse. Times that are not interesting are peaceful, while times that are interesting are times of great conflicts. Clearly, it's better not to live in interesting times. Interesting times are generally interesting. To wit, most history books are about wars and conflicts, very few are about when the world was at peace. People are likewise. They have more interest in their traumas than when they were carefree. Perhaps they would be better served showing little interest in their personal history. That way, they can move forward carefree....

“Flowers are restful to look at. They have neither emotions nor conflicts.” Life is essentially simple and beautiful, unless we complicate it with our mind....