06 Dec Kotodama 84
Experiences light the way. Perspectives make light of the way....
Experiences light the way. Perspectives make light of the way....
The wise change their minds proactively as they consider perspectives in perspective. The intelligent are quick to change their minds reactively in response to changing circumstances....
When past is passed, we are in the now....
The historical is hysterical....
The individual self is many. The sole self is one, the soul....
If one has food, shelter, security and health and yet does not feel wealthy, they will never be wealthy....
Wealth and power comes to those who are self-actualized. Eternal being comes to those who are self-realized. Eternal being has no need for wealth or power. Eternal being has no needs. Eternal being is the whole of being....
The self sees selves in everyone. The soul sees one person with many selves....