Every thing unique, every thing everchanging. Can't know every thing, but can know nothing. The essence of the Everything....

When we know the world solely by what we see and hear, we're out of touch and can't tell whether something doesn't smell right....

Some things high, some things low. We live in a vertical world. In sleep and at death, all is horizontal. The universe knows no such measures.  ...

Stars seem motionless, with no sense of time. Randomly dispersed, without rhythm or rhyme. Constellations tell time far and near. Hour of night, month of year....

Nouns are photos. Verbs are movies. Nouns are an it. Verbs are the is. Nouns are created by our consciousness. Verbs are the experience of consciousness....

Why is accidentally seeing our spiritual guru sexually engaged with a fellow disciple in a meditation room funny, but not when the disciple is our spouse?...