The soul's love and the self's love are the same but feel different. The soul has only one emotion: love. The self has a multitude of emotions, including love. The soul loves every thing, as every thing is a manifestation of the soul. Simply, the soul loves itself. The self's love is conditional, loving some things sometimes. The soul's love is unconditional, loving all things all times. The self's love is ecstasy; love sandwiched between other emotions in striking contrast to love. Ecstasy is joyful and energizing. Love from the soul is peace; a feeling beyond words, as oneness with the Everything is beyond description. Ecstasy and peace simultaneously is orgasmic....
Cancel culture is a cancer culture. When a group of like cells in the body prioritize their growth over the welfare of the body whole, the body eventually dies. “A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has first destroyed itself from within.” — Will Durant...