"Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe." -- Galileo Galilei   Mathematics connects everything in the universe. Yet, the etymology of the word number is "to divide." God unifies, man divides....

All things are two things, a reflection of light and a shadow. The sun creates the light, the thing creates the shadow....

What happens when we die? What happens when we die!   When we die, we transition from "Who" we are in the now to "What" we are before and after the now. The "Who" is the self, our identity in the now. The "What" is transcendental. The "What" is God. In the Bible, God self-describes: "I am what I am." In several religious traditions, God is nameless; for if God is this, then God is not that. God is nameless because God is what it all is whatever it all is.   As every thing in the now is a manifestation of God, the "Who" is an expression of the "What". As the "Who" exists only in the now, the "Who" is finite. Those who view themselves as solely a "Who" die when they are no longer in the now. Those realizing they are the "What" are eternal beings, constantly transitioning back and forth between "What" and "Who"....

Sleeping is a state of consciousness based on the illusion of knowledge. Awakening is realizing we don't know anything. Enlightenment is knowing nothing....

Nothing is perfect, as there is nothing about which to complain. Before and after the now is nothing. Before and after the now must be perfect....

"When I was a kid, God often told me that only people create ugliness." -- Kanako Iiyama   Through the eye of God, the manifestation of God (the now) radiates beauty. Through people's minds, the beauty is often elusive or even made ugly. The mind cannot see, it can only compare. The mind compares the now that's now with the now that's passed and the future now it imagines or desires. Comparisons shroud the now with words; precluding a direct experience of the radiant now. As well, comparisons can make the absolutely beautiful relatively ugly.   The now is perfect; eternally now. Yet, none of the things in the now are perfect as all things are ever-changing; at best, perfect temporarily. Focusing on things, people often complain about imperfections. Complaining is ugly.   Those who know all things in the now are one thing, the manifestation of God, unconditionally love all things as they do themselves. Those who see things as other than themselves, connect to things with various emotions; many of which are ugly....

How can the now be eternally unchanged, yet the now that's now is different than the now before now and the now after the now?...