Posted at 10:15h
I Am Time,
In the now, everyone is an Individual Self and the Ultimate Self.
True to its acronym ("IS"), the Individual Self is being, as being is the now.
The Individual Self has many emotions.
Each emotion is a separate self.
Emotions make the Individual Self multi-selves.
Unlike an Individual Self, the Ultimate Self is invisible and indivisible.
The Ultimate Self is the sole-self, the soul.
The soul is what every thing is before and after the now.
The now is the manifestation of the soul.
True to its acronym, the Ultimate Self is "US"; the unity of every thing in the now and the soul.
As US, the soul has only one emotion: love.
Love connects the Everything as one.
In the now, we are often oblivious of the invisible soul, as the emotions of the multi-selves continually captivate our attention.
To realize the Ultimate Self, we need to separate from and observe the now.
This happens when we are in the space before and after the now, where only the Ultimate Self resides.
To escape from the emotional clutches of the multi-selves that imprison us in the now, we need to calm the multi-selves.
When calm, the multi-selves disappear as they integrate and all that remains is the Individual Self.
The mind is the Individual Self's interface with the universe.
In the now, the mind is like a pond muddied by the frantic motion of emotion of the multi-selves.
When calm, the multi-selves settle to the bottom of the pond and the mind clears.
A clear mind allows us to see the now as reflections on the surface of the pond.
We then realize we are the eternal Ultimate Self.
Meditation is a practice that allows us to calm the mind.
In meditation, breathing is the now and the space between exhaling and inhaling is what's before and after the now: the Ultimate Self....