"I", "Is", and "Time" are the most frequently used pronoun, verb and noun. While these words are never together as a sentence, "I is time" reveals what we are.   "I" implies a personal self that's separate from that which is not "I". "Is", unlike "am", suggests a universal identity beyond the personal self. The universal identity is the soul. The now is the manifestation of the soul. "Time" is how the everchanging now is experienced; as what's before and after the now is timeless. "I is time" means "I, the self, am the soul manifesting in the now".   I is time Acronym: "I it." I am it. "It" is the undifferentiated manifestation of the soul; the unity of every thing before a thing is what it is whatever it is. "I it": I and the universe are one. "I it" is also "eye-it": what I see is what I am....

Love is love, but is different depending on its source. There is love from the self and love from the soul The self expresses many emotions, including love. The soul only expresses love. Love from the self is temporary, as the self also needs to express other emotions. Love from the soul is unending. Love from the self is love of specific things. Love from the soul is love of every thing. Love from the self is conditional. Love from the soul is unconditional. Love from the self is demonstrative. Love from the soul is ineffable. Love from the self is finite like the self. Love from the soul is eternal like the soul. Love from the self is empathy. Love from the soul is compassion. Love from the self is joyous. Love from the soul is peace....