"If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him." -- Linji Yixuan   In the now, there is only one thing: the Everything. The Everything is manifested as an infinite number of seemingly independent things. Yet, as all things are interdependent, essentially all things are one thing. Thinking of things (like the Buddha) as independent is an illusion. Illusionary things create duality, the thing and all that is not the thing. On the road to enlightenment, we need to vanquish all illusions to realize the oneness of the Everything....

2024, the year of consequential choices; harmony or death. In 2024, all roads lead to 4; 2 + 2 = 4, as does 2 x 2. The number 2 is associated with duality, representing two complementary or opposing forces; light and dark, good and evil, male and female, or yin and yang. Likewise, 2 + 2 is additive, complementary; while 2 x 2  (like measures of length and width) suggests intersection, conflict. In the West, 4 represents stability, balance and harmony; the complementary. However, in China, Korea and Japan, 4 is associated with death (often what results from conflict), as the word for "4" in their respective languages is pronounced identically like their word for death. So here we have it, 2024, the year of harmony or death; hopefully we make the better choice.  ...

Every thing is two things, reflected light and a shadow. As each cannot be without the other, they are one thing....

"There is only one mind to which we are all connected. But that mind has its own mind." -- Simon Stark...

"Questioning the fabric of reality can led you to either madness or the truth and the funny thing is that you won't know which is which." -- Lex Fridman...

Knotted wood with odd streaks of brown hue, useful for many a thing to do. Building a desk, feeding a fire; so many possibilities, one can never tire. While its static form seems not to change, what happens below its surface is beyond imagination's range: The atoms are dancing to the music of electrons as compounds are mating as they have for eons. Now the wood is not as it once was, it's a marvel beyond words and without flaws....