Posted at 10:25h
I Am Time
2024, the year of consequential choices; harmony or death.
In 2024, all roads lead to 4; 2 + 2 = 4, as does 2 x 2.
The number 2 is associated with duality, representing two complementary or opposing forces; light and dark, good and evil, male and female, or yin and yang.
Likewise, 2 + 2 is additive, complementary; while 2 x 2 (like measures of length and width) suggests intersection, conflict.
In the West, 4 represents stability, balance and harmony; the complementary. However, in China, Korea and Japan, 4 is associated with death (often what results from conflict), as the word for "4" in their respective languages is pronounced identically like their word for death.
So here we have it, 2024, the year of harmony or death; hopefully we make the better choice.