The luckiest are those who recognize they have been lucky, for they will recognize other lucky opportunities that come their way.  ...

When a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?   Mu (nothing). There is no tree, forest or sound, as they are all manifestations of our consciousness. The universe is not an infinite number of things; only one thing: the universe. Consciousness creates an infinite number of things out of the universe....

"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few." -- Shunryu Suzuki Experts think of possibilities based on their experience. The inexperienced are not constrained....

Our pupils are like stars and black holes. Like the sun, they illuminate everything around us. Yet, whatever light enters them is never seen again....

"Art as Experience." We experience art suddenly, through our eyes ("wow, oh, hmmm"); and slowly, with our mind (words, thoughts and comparisons). It's a unique experience for each of us and a unique experience from one moment to the next; otherwise, our eyes are closed....