"Don't worry about the future, the present is all thou hast; the future will soon be present, and the present will soon be past." Family post card sent from Kansas to Tennessee, 1910. Courtesy of Kate Bowers. Homespun advice from the farm belt; reminiscent of Buddhist teachings, long before they were popularized in America....
"You can not escape a prison if you do not know you're in one." The mind creates a familiar and comforting world out of the seemingly chaotic universe. In so doing, it separates us, imprisoning us, from directly connecting with the universe as it is and, ultimately, realizing we are the universe. Unless we come to know we are prisoners of mind, we can never escape. To recognize we are in mind's prison, we need to realize we don't know anything. That's scary, or at least our mind makes us feel it is. "You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only what you really need." -- Vernon Howard The mind galvanizes in us desires that can never be satisfied but temporarily. This is how the mind distracts us from recognizing we are in its prison. ...
"People like us who believe in physics know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." Everything is all at once. As that is overwhelming, our mind has created time to make it all a seemingly manageable to experience....
"The way to live eternal life is in a state of perpetual orgasm." -- Karen Uppal Orgasm is like the Big Bang, the moment when nothing transitioned into an infinite number of things; when we are one with the Everything. Few words are every said at the moment of orgasm, other than: "Oh my God."...
Much of what we undoubtedly think we see as reality is just a movie projected from our mind. To see reality we need to close our mind and open our eyes....
"Someday people will understand what you are talking about and I'm sure this world will be a better place for it, but sure as hell I'll never understand." -- Inscription in my high school graduation album from a fellow graduating student. Those sure there is hell don't know of heaven, for heaven is all there is....