27 Jul Kotodama 8
Upon awakening, every day is not everyday....
Upon awakening, every day is not everyday....
Since I was a young boy, many people thought me funny; a bit odd and laughable in terms of my thinking and lifestyle. I've occasionally been asked : "Which planet do you come from?" I laughed, as it was true; I must have come from someplace else as I didn't think the way they did. However, as I was always happy regardless of circumstances, it should have been clear I didn't come from a another planet. I came from heaven. They too came from heaven, but forgot they did....
The universe is perfect but we see it otherwise when we see ourselves as otherwise....
"I used to think that everyone saw the same thing in a different way, until I realized everyone sees the same thing in the same way but describes it with different stories."...
The Everything is no-thing and now-thing. No-thing before and after the now-thing....