I was born a bit after my mother's due date. It was a difficult birth as the delivering doctor struggled to pull me out from my mother's womb; ultimately needing forceps to do so. As it was a long and fraught procedure, out of curiosity my mother asked the doctor if such a difficult birth signaled anything about me. The doctor looked at my mother, who didn't come across as having lots of shiny marbles in her head, and said: "Your son may not be particularly smart, but is very wise. He delayed coming out as long as he could, knowing he came from heaven and life on Earth is anything but that."...

Every night at sleep-time we die. Every morning upon awakening we are born. Each day is not a day in a life, it is a life in a day. Thus, we've lived thousands of lives before our reincarnation today upon awakening. Before sleep-death, we acknowledge each other with "good evening;" that is, "good even-ing" for in sleep-death everyone (the smart, the stupid, the rich, the poor) is even, equal. In sleep-death, our soul leaves our body and merges with the universal soul, which in some traditions is called God. When the soul returns to our body, we are born. Upon awakening, we greet each other and ourselves with "good morning;" that is, "good mourning," have a good time mourning the people you were in past lifetimes (yesterday and all days now passed) by remembering them in the light of wisdom and compassion; but, don't identify their life experiences as your own. Upon awakening and before we assume the roles and circumstances of the person we were yesterday,  we recite out loud the Mourning Prayer. The Mourning Prayer acknowledges God's creation, the universe, and expresses our gratitude for the life and consciousness we have been given which allows us to be one with God. Moreover, we declare that we are free from karma (our intentions, actions and consequences in past lifetimes (days of our life)) and look forward to realizing our purpose in life: to have a wonderful experience, realize our potential of divine consciousness and help others likewise.   Mourning Prayer Oh eternal universe Oh endless universe Oh ever-changing universe Oh timeless universe Oh universe of infinite finite things. Thank you for granting me today a role in the play of life. The people I’ve been and the roles I’ve played in days passed, my prior lives, are illusions in the seemingly real form of memories. Now, I am who I am and every thing is what it is whatever it is. Regardless of circumstances, I am grateful for however my life unfolds today, hopeful to realize divine consciousness before I'm scripted out of the play, happy helping others awaken to their good fortune and laughing at my efforts to realize that which is always here. Shanti Shanti Shanti   We recite the mourning prayer aloud, again and again and again, until we feel it and truly awaken. Then, hopefully, we won't forget who we are as we make our way through this day of life with the peace that comes from not taking our self too seriously; as we know that our self, which will die in the even-ing when our soul departs, is not who we are. At day's end, it is time for the Even-ing Prayer before our sleep-death.   Even-ing Prayer Oh eternal universe oh ever-changing universe oh timeless universe oh endless universe. Thank God for my  role in the universe and for now, sleep-death, when my soul joins God which is what every-thing is before it is the universe. Shanti Shanti Shanti   As few remember that every day is our birthday, we should remind whomever we meet with the greeting: "Happy birthday." Whether they recognize today as their birthday or not, they will undoubtedly have a laugh. What better gift can we give someone on their birthday?...

The Covid pandemic was a once in a generation psychological test that revealed the nature of each mind; a reality check. Though the pandemic panic has subsided, many people still refuse to give up on the vaccines, masks, social distancing, etc. They are held captive by their traumatic memories, prisoners of their mind. They cannot experience the now as it unfolds, only as it is framed by their mind in the context of Covid. Those who are free of the past, look back and laugh at the Covid fiasco. As to the pandemic itself, it was beautiful. An experience shared worldwide as it was the focus of everyone's attention. One felt connected to all sentient beings as sentient beings, oblivious to their identity group memberships. It was like the end of days, the apocalypse; the lifting of the veil of artificial constructs like race, nationality, religion and economic status to reveal all as simply sentient beings; all as one. A brief and powerful peak moment in the making of collective history that quickly descended into a Tower of Babel. Moreover, Covid was a healthy systemic process. Like a hurricane, Covid cleansed the human tree of life of weak limbs that were otherwise dying slowly. This was good for the environment as it resulted in less adult diapers to dispose of....

"I love you" is the self expressing love. "I love us" is love beyond the self. "I love it all" is divine love....

Intellectuals are mischievous entertainers. They make fools of those who take them seriously who in turn wreak havoc on everyone who doesn't....