In Judaism, God is nameless. God is not one thing to the exclusion of other things. God is the Everything: the now and what is before and after the now. However, the Everything is not a thing. God is not a static noun. Jews refer to God as: "I am." God is an unspecified verb, the process of the Everything....

The soul's love and the self's love are the same but feel different. The soul has only one emotion: love. The self has a multitude of emotions, including love. The soul loves every thing, as every thing is a manifestation of the soul. Simply, the soul loves itself. The self's love is conditional, loving some things sometimes. The soul's love is peace. It is a feeling beyond words, as oneness with the Everything is beyond description. The self's love is ecstasy; love sandwiched between other emotions in striking contrast to love. Ecstasy is energizing, joyful, stress-relieving, The confluence of love from the soul and love from the self is cosmic....

Cancel culture is cancer culture. When a group of like cells in the body prioritize their growth over the welfare of the body whole, the body eventually dies. “A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has first destroyed itself from within.” — Will Durant...

The universe is a circle. The logical mind sees things as squares. The space inside a square is precise. The space inside a circle is imprecise....

"School teachers, taking them by and large, are probably the most ignorant and stupid class of men in the whole group of mental workers." "Socialism is the theory that the desire of one man to get something he hasn't got is more pleasing to a just God than the desire of some other man to keep what he has got." "The objection to Puritans is not that they try to make us think as they do, but that they try to make us do as they think." "At the bottom of Puritanism one finds envy of the fellow who is having a better time in the world, and hence hatred of him." "If there is one mental vice, indeed, which sets off the American people from all other folks who walk the earth...

"When I was a kid, God often told me that only people create ugliness." -- Kanako Iiyama   Through the eye of God, the manifestation of God (the now) radiates beauty. Through people's minds, the beauty is often elusive or even made ugly. The mind cannot see, it can only compare. The mind compares the now that's now with the now that's passed and the future now it imagines or desires. The mind also compares things within the now. Comparisons shroud the now with words; precluding a direct experience of the radiant now. As well, comparisons can make the absolutely beautiful relatively ugly.   The now is perfect; eternally now. Yet, none of the things in the now are perfect as all things are ever-changing; at best, perfect temporarily. Focusing on things, people often complain about imperfections. Complaining is ugly.   Those who know all things in the now are one thing, the manifestation of God, unconditionally love all things as they do themselves. Those who see things as other than themselves, connect to things with various emotions; many of which are ugly....

In the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), the Messianic Period is envisioned as a time of world peace, prosperity, and the resurrection of the dead. World peace and prosperity seem attainable, once people devote their time to productive matters rather than conflict. However, the resurrection of the dead seems beyond the pale of science. The Messianic Period begins when we personally and collectively awaken to the divine light, the essence of every thing. World peace comes from recognizing every thing is a manifestation of the divine and treating all beings and the environment accordingly, with love and respect. World prosperity is realized by helping those who are less fortunate. As well, we are prosperous when we view the now as a whole, not a hole; recognizing how fortunate we are, instead of desiring what we think we don't have. The dead are resurrected when we come to know the nature of light. Those who once were in the now and are now no longer remain in the now but light years away from here....