Having more questions than answers is energizing. Having more answers than questions is tiring....

Those who claim their success came from luck are able. Those who think their success came from their abilities are bound to be unlucky....

The time before and after we are alive must be a happy time as no one has ever complained about it. The time we are alive is infinitesimally small relative to the time before and after we are alive. So odd that we focus on the infinitesimally small about which we often complain....

Artworks are made to entertain us. Yet, the art market is more entertaining than artworks. As the price of an artwork has little to do with its quality, the tail is wagging the dog....

When we identify someone as of our kind, we treat them with kindness. When we identify with the universe we treat all with kindness....

Your life is a fascinating story. Perhaps you could imagine a better one, but then you would miss out on your life....

To live a life of compassion and wisdom, best to avoid those who lack compassion and their friends who obviously lack wisdom.  ...